Results: 78

Educational program for coronary artery disease patients: results after one year

ASTRACT Objective: To evaluate the long-term results of an educational program compared to usual care. Method: A longitudinal study in which 56 participants from a previous study (randomized controlled clinical trial) were evaluated twelve months after the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Heal...

Intervención educativa sobre conocimientos de hipertensión arterial. Policlínico Héroes del Moncada. Municipio Cárdenas, 2015
Educative intervention on knowledge of arterial hypertension. Policlinic Heroes del Moncada. Municipality of Cardenas, 2015

Rev. medica electron; 40 (4), 2018
Introducción: la educación del hipertenso es un elemento primordial para elevar el conocimiento sobre hipertensión arterial, su control y la calidad de vida. Objetivo: aumentar conocimientos sobre Hipertensión Arterial a hipertensos y contribuir a elevar el control. Materiales y métodos: intervenci...

Prevalencia de caries dental y nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal. Secundaria Básica: Antonio Maceo. 2016
Prevalence of dental caries and level of knowledge on oral health: Antonio Maceo Junior High School. 2016

Rev. medica electron; 40 (4), 2018
Introducción: la caries dental es considerada un problema de salud universal de elevada implicación económico y social, que repercute en la calidad de vida de las personas. La clave para la prevención en Estomatología, es el mantenimiento de un alto nivel de conocimientos individual sobre salud buca...

Type 1 diabetes mellitus: can coaching improve health outcomes?

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the introduction of coaching in the interdisciplinary care of individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the public health care system. Subjects and methods: Ten patients routinely attending a public health care service and with a glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level abov...

Intervención educativa en pacientes con demencia e impacto en la calidad de vida de cuidadores
Educational intervention in patients with dementia and Impact on the caregiver quality of life

Introducción: El deterioro de la memoria que se asocia con la edad (DEMAE) es un trastorno relativamente benigno, que puede ser bastante común por el hecho de vincularse con el envejecimiento normal y el evidente incremento de la expectativa de vida en el ámbito mundial y nacional, con una mayor pobla...

Education practices: research-action with nurses of Family Health Strategy

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the factors that determine the implementation of educational practices of health promotion and to construct proposals to implement the educational actions of the nurses of the Family Health Units (FHU). Method: research-action in which individual interviews and focus gro...

Qualification of the family caregiver to the application of the Educational Technology in Health

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the changes in the participation of the family caregiver in the treatment of the hypertensive person with the application of the Educational Technology in Health (ETH). Method: Participant research carried out in a Primary Health Care Unit with 11 family caregivers (FC)....

Effectiveness of an educational intervention on knowledge-attitude-practice of older adults' caregivers

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the knowledge, attitude and practice of older adults' caregivers before and after an educational intervention in the domains of the care between caregiver and older adult, feeding, bathing, hygiene and mobility and transportation. Method: Quasi-experimental study carried ...

Competencies for educational actions of Family Health Strategy nurses

ABSTRACT Objective: To create competencies for the educational actions of nurses in the care and management work processes at the Family Health Strategy. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, on nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) from a municipality ...

Efectividad de las intervenciones educativas con enfoque multifactorial y seguimiento vía telefónica sobre la rehospitalización en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca: revisión sistemática y meta-análisis

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (5), 2018
We performed a systematic review of the literature to analyze the effect on readmission rates of multifactorial educational interventions at the moment of discharge from the hospital and telephone follow up for patients with heart failure. The quality of reports was analyzed using the CONSORT verificatio...