The present study aimed to develop a fermented soy beverage containing fruit by-products and probiotics and to evaluate the impact of this product on the composition and metabolic activity of the human intestinal microbiota using an in vitro simulation model of the intestinal conditions (TIM-2). Therefor...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the frequency of polymorphisms in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene, as well as to identify a potential risk haplotype among the polymorphic regions in this gene in patients with disc degeneration and in the Control Group. Methods: This study analyzed a ...
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Frecuencia de los Genes,
Variación Genética,
Degeneración del Disco Intervertebral/genética,
Imagen por Resonancia Magnética,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Polimorfismo Genético,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos,
Medición de Riesgo,
Factores de Crecimiento Endotelial Vascular/genética,
Factores de Crecimiento Endotelial Vascular/fisiología
ABSTRACT The spoilage of beer by bacteria is of great concern to the brewer as this can lead to turbidity and abnormal flavors. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for detection of beer-spoilage bacteria is highly specific and provides results much faster than traditional microbiology techniques. ...
Microbiología de Alimentos,
Levilactobacillus brevis/química,
Levilactobacillus brevis/genética,
Levilactobacillus brevis/crecimiento & desarrollo,
Levilactobacillus brevis/aislamiento & purificación,
Propidio/análogos & derivados,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/instrumentación,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos,
Coloración y Etiquetado/métodos
Background: Because of its strong specificity and high accuracy, real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) has been a widely used method to study the expression of genes responsive to stress. It is crucial to have a suitable set of reference genes to normalize target gene expression in peanut under different ...
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos,
Estrés Fisiológico,
Reguladores del Crecimiento de las Plantas,
Perfilación de la Expresión Génica,
Genes de Plantas,
Amplificación de Genes,
Estándares de Referencia,
Selección Genética
ABSTRACT The golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, is among the most devastating invasive species in freshwater habitats worldwide, leading to severe environmental disturbances and economic losses. Therefore, management efforts would be greatly improved by methods that efficiently detect and quantify the a...
Abstract Introduction: The diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis requires an invasive and time-consuming reference method. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is rapid, but validation in pleural tuberculosis is still weak. Objective: To establish the operating characteristics of real-time polymerase chain re...
Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/Métodos,
Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico,
Estudios Transversales,
Hospitales Universitarios,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis/aislamiento & purificación,
Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas,
Sensibilidad y Especificidad
ABSTRACT Objective: Bacterial keratitis occurs worldwide, and despite recent developments, it remains a potentially blinding condition. This study assesses the presence of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and -2) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in c...
Sondas de ADN,
Infecciones Bacterianas del Ojo/microbiología,
Herpesvirus Humano 1/aislamiento & purificación,
Herpesvirus Humano 2/aislamiento & purificación,
Herpesvirus Humano 3/aislamiento & purificación,
Queratitis Dendrítica/diagnóstico,
Queratitis Dendrítica/microbiología,
Queratitis Dendrítica/virología,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos
Kalayci, Fatma;
Ozdemir, Armagan;
Saribas, Suat;
Yuksel, Pelin;
Ergin, Sevgi;
Mert Kuskucu, Ali;
Aksoy Poyraz, Cana;
Balcioglu, Ibrahim;
Alpay, Nihat;
Kurt, Aykut;
Sezgin, Zeynep;
Tufan Kocak, Banu;
Sucu Icel, Rana;
Can, Gunay;
Bahar Tokman, Hrisi;
Kocazeybek, Bekir.
Several pathogens have been suspected of playing a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Chronic inflammation has been proposed to occur as a result of persistent infection caused by Chlamydophila pneumoniae cells that reside in brain endothelial cells for many years. It was recently hypothesized th...
Azevedo, Michelle de Campos Soriani;
Ramuno, Natália Mortari;
Fachin, Luciana Raquel Vincenzi;
Tassa, Mônica;
Rosa, Patrícia Sammarco;
Belone, Andrea de Faria Fernandes;
Diório, Suzana Madeira;
Soares, Cleverson Teixeira;
Garlet, Gustavo Pompermaier;
Trombone, Ana Paula Favaro.
Abstract Leprosy, whose etiological agent is Mycobacterium leprae, is a chronic infectious disease that mainly affects the skin and peripheral nervous system. The diagnosis of leprosy is based on clinical evaluation, whereas histopathological analysis and bacilloscopy are complementary diagnostic tools. ...
Cartilla de ADN/aislamiento & purificación,
ADN Bacteriano/aislamiento & purificación,
Mycobacterium leprae/genética,
Mycobacterium leprae/aislamiento & purificación,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos,
Valores de Referencia,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Sensibilidad y Especificidad,
Os micro-organismos estão se tornando cada vez mais resistentes aos
antimicrobianos e cepas de Candida albicans resistentes aos antifúngicos tem sido
isoladas, assim, torna-se importante e necessário a realização de pesquisas que
avaliem os efeitos de novos métodos terapêuticos, como a inativaçã...