Abstract INTRODUCTION: Meteorological influences along with the lack of basic sanitation has contributed to disease outbreaks, resulting in large socio-economic losses, especially in terms of dengue. This study aimed to evaluate the meteorological influences on the monthly incidence of dengue in Arapir...
Abstract Introduction: Heart transplantation is the therapeutic procedure indicated to increase the survival of patients with refractory heart failure. Improvement in overall functioning and quality of life are expected factors in the postoperative period. Objective: To identify and evaluate mental dis...
Adaptación Psicológica,
Distribución por Edad,
Factores de Edad,
Trastornos de Ansiedad/epidemiología,
Estudios Transversales,
Trastorno Depresivo/epidemiología,
Trasplante de Corazón/psicología,
Trasplante de Corazón/rehabilitación,
Satisfacción del Paciente,
Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica,
Calidad de Vida/psicología,
Distribución por Sexo,
Factores Sexuales,
Medio Social,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Escala de Ansiedad ante Pruebas,
Factores de Tiempo
Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study compares the clinical and epidemiological features of patients with TB, with and without DM. METHODS New cases of active pulmonary TB that occurred in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil between 2008 and 2010 were included. DM was diagnosed by based on diagnostic criteria establ...
Abstract INTRODUCTION: This cross-sectional study analyzed the spatial distribution of hepatitis B or C virus (HBV/HBC) and schistosomiasis coinfection. METHODS: Serum samples were collected from patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection. These were tested for serological markers of HBV/HCV infecti...
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The incidence of dengue has increased throughout the 2000s with a consequent global increase in atypical clinical forms. METHODS: This study reports a series of cases of neurological dengue out of 498 confirmed cases of laboratory dengue in Goiânia, Brazil. Cases were confirmed ...
Anticuerpos Antivirales/sangre,
Virus del Dengue/genética,
Virus del Dengue/inmunología,
Encefalitis Viral/epidemiología,
Encefalitis Viral/virología,
Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa,
ARN Viral/genética
Abstract INTRODUCTION The epidemiology of Rickettsia and Ehrlichia species infection is underestimated in Mato Grosso State. METHODS: Serum samples obtained during a Dengue outbreak in 2011-2012 were tested via indirect immunofluorescence and/or ELISA. RESULTS: Samples from 19/506 (3.8%) patients pre...
Anticuerpos Antibacterianos/sangre,
Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática,
Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente Indirecta,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Infecciones por Rickettsia/diagnóstico,
Infecciones por Rickettsia/epidemiología,
Estudios Seroepidemiológicos
ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Hospitalizations due to primary care-sensitive conditions constitute an important indicator for monitoring the quality of primary healthcare. This study aimed to describe hospitalizations due to primary care-sensitive conditions found among children under five years of a...
Distribución por Edad,
Factores de Edad,
Estudios Transversales,
Tiempo de Internación/estadística & datos numéricos,
Admisión del Paciente/estadística & datos numéricos,
Neumonía Bacteriana/epidemiología,
Neumonía Bacteriana/terapia,
Atención Primaria de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos,
Calidad de la Atención de Salud,
Distribución por Sexo,
Factores Sexuales,
Factores Socioeconómicos,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Factores de Tiempo,
Infecciones Urinarias/epidemiología,
Infecciones Urinarias/terapia
The current yellow fever outbreak in Brazil is the most severe one in the country in recent times. It has rapidly spread to areas where YF virus (YFV) activity has not been observed for more than 70 years and vaccine coverage is almost null. Here, we sequenced the whole YFV genome of two naturally infect...
Secuencia de Aminoácidos,
Brotes de Enfermedades,
Genoma Viral/genética,
Enfermedades de los Monos/epidemiología,
Enfermedades de los Monos/virología,
Polimorfismo Genético/genética,
Alineación de Secuencia,
Fiebre Amarilla/epidemiología,
Fiebre Amarilla/veterinaria,
Fiebre Amarilla/virología,
Virus de la Fiebre Amarilla/genética
Abstract Background: Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) in the Brazilian population, in populations not exposed to Césio-137, presents a prevalence of 28% nationwide. However, in the group of radioactivity victims, these values are unknown. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of hypertension in pat...
Abstract Background: Chagas disease continues to be a serious public health problem, and accounts for 25-30% of the indications for cardiac stimulation in Brazil. Objective: To assess clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with Chagas disease, younger than 18 years, who had undergone ...