Results: 3204

Diversity and antimicrobial activity of culturable fungi associated with sea anemone Anthopleura xanthogrammica

Background: The main objective of this study was to isolate fungi associated with Anthopleura xanthogrammica and measure their antimicrobial and enzymatic activities. A total of 93 fungal strains associated with A. xanthogrammica were isolated in this study, of which 32 isolates were identified using bot...

Biomarcadores salivares no diagnóstico e no monitoramento de patologias orais e sistêmicas

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 57 (1), 2020
RESUMO Introdução: A saliva humana é constituída de um vasto arsenal de produtos secretórios com imenso potencial informativo e útil para detecção de determinadas patologias. A facilidade de obtenção e a especificidade dos biomarcadores, faz desta uma importante ferramenta clínica como métod...

Mycobacterium abscessus urinary tract infection: case report

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (1), 2020
Abstract Urinary tract infection is a serious public health issue that predominantly affects women. In men, it is more often associated with prostatic hyperplasia and bladder catheterization. Urogenital tuberculosis presents with nonspecific with nonspecific symptoms and the diagnosis can be made in the ...

Probable Association Between Oral Lichen Planus and presence of Helicobacter Pylori: a Preliminary Study in a Chilean Population

ABSTRACT: Oral Lichen planus (OLP) is one of the main inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa that is considered as a potentially malignant disorder. The exact pathogenesis of OLP remains to be completely understood. However, presence of bacteria has been associated to the inflammatory response observed...

Epidemiología y patrones de sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos de microorganismos aislados de hemocultivos en niños con leucemia aguda

Med. infant; 27 (1), 2020
Las infecciones bacterianas son una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en los niños con cáncer. Nuestro objetivo fue describir y comparar las características clínicas y los microorganismos causantes de bacteriemias con su sensibilidad antimicrobiana en niños con diagnóstico de LLA y LMA. ...

Anal mycobacterial infections

Abstract Background Mycobacterial infections are a serious public health problem worldwide. Involvement of the anal canal and perineum is very rare, but constitute an important differential diagnosis with other equally serious pathologies that may affect the region, such as malignant neoplasms and Crohn...

Detección de Acanthamoeba por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real en líquidos de conservación de lentes de contacto
Detection of Acanthamoeba sp. by real-time polymerase chain reaction in contact lens solutions

Rev. cuba. oftalmol; 33 (1), 2020
RESUMEN Objetivo: Estandarizar una técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real para la detección del parásito e identificar Acanthamoeba en líquidos conservantes de lentes de contacto. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional de corte transversal sobre la técn...

Detection of the mcr-1 gene in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC) strains isolated from broilers

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (3), 2020
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC) strains are among the major pathotypes found in poultry and their products, which are capable of causing human enteric infections. Colistin has been claimed the drug of choice against diseases caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-ne...

Investigation of Mycoplasma spp. in birds of the Rio de Janeiro Zoo by isolation and PCR

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (3), 2020
Brazil is one of the countries with the most abundant avifauna in the world. The confinement of birds associated with close contact with other animals and humans favor the spread of agents of respiratory diseases. Among them, mycoplasmas can cause asymptomatic or apparent disease that manifests in birds ...

Investigación traslacional en microbioma (InTraMic): un área de interés común y creciente en el IMTIB, Hospital Italiano e Instituto Universitario
Translational research in microbiome (InTraMic): an area of common and growing interest at IMTIB, Hospital Italiano and Instituto Universitario

Se estima que aproximadamente 100 trillones de microorganismos (incluidos bacterias, virus y hongos) residen en el intestino humano adulto y que el total del material genético del microbioma es 100 veces superior al del genoma humano. Esta comunidad, conocida como microbioma se adquiere al momento del n...