Results: 740

Revisión de 25 casos de papiloma invertido en 8 años

Introducción: El papiloma invertido es un tumor benigno inusual del tracto nasosinusal, caracterizado por el riesgo de recurrencia y transformación maligna. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es describir la serie de casos diagnosticados con papiloma invertido del tracto nasosinusal entre 2002 y 2010. Material...

Quimioterapia adjuvante com alfainterferona no tratamento do melanoma cutâneo

INTRODUÇÃO: O melanoma maligno é, entre as neoplasias malignas de pele, o de pior prognóstico e tem sua origem a partir da transformação maligna dos melanócitos, células produtoras de melanina que se originam embriologicamente da crista neural, sendo seu principal sítio primário a pele. A maior...

Neoplasia de boca e orofaringe: um estudo transversal na Fundação Pio XII ? Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Brasil

Introdução: O câncer bucal representa 5% dos casos da doença no mundo, sendo considerado um problema de saúde pública no Brasil em razão da alta taxa de morbidade e mortalidade dos pacientes. Objetivo: Realizar um estudo transversal dos aspectos clínicos e patológicos de pacientes com câncer de...

Comparative study between the free DNA in peripheral blood and TNM staging in patients with colorectal cancer for prognostic evaluation in the university hospital of the State of Alagoas

Colorectal neoplasm is one of the most common cancers in developed countries and its incidence has grown progressively. The currently used attempts to prognostic assessment are limited, since they are restricted to the observation of tumor morphology, such as the TNM staging. The quantification of free D...

Staging of colorectal cancer in the private service versus Brazilian National Public Health System: what has changed after five years?

INTRODUCTION: Cancer is a disease that affects a large population, being the colorectal cancer one of the most prevalent. The early diagnosis of these neoplasms represents a better life expectancy. The high cost of diagnostic tests and the low socioeconomic status are considered factors leading to delaye...

Fatores prognósticos no câncer de mama
Prognostic factors in breast cancer

HU rev; 38 (3/4), 2012
O câncer de mama apresenta uma grande variabilidade em seu prognóstico, sendo de grande importância o estudo dos fatores que podem contribuir para a sua determinação. O fator prognóstico consiste em um marcador associado à sobrevida global, o qual permite indicar como se desenvolverá o curso cl...

Tissue expression of CD10 protein in colorectal carcinoma: correlation with the anatomopathological features of the tumor and with lymph node and liver metastases

BACKGROUND: The reduced expression of CD10 may be related to unfavorable prognosis of patients with colorectal carcinoma. The authors analyzed the tissue immunostaining of CD10 protein in colorectal carcinoma and its relationship to clinicopathologic features. METHOD: In 130 patients submitted to colorec...

Anorectal melanoma: review of diagnosis and treatment based on a case report

Anorectal Melanoma is a rare and very aggressive tumor that should be part of the range of differential diagnoses of colorectal diseases. Today, the main discussion on the topic is about the best treatment, whether it should be more conservative or more aggressive. In order to review the main points on t...

Prognostic impact of the lymph node metastatic ratio on 5-year survival of patients with rectal cancer not submitted to preoperative chemoradiation

Lymph node metastases are a major prognostic factor in colorectal cancer. Inadequate lymph node resection is related to shorter survival. The lymph nodes ratio (LNR) has been used as a prognostic factor in patients with colon cancer. Few studies have evaluated the impact of LNR on the 5-year survival of ...

Evaluation of response to neoadjuvant treatment, by nuclear magnetic resonance, as a predictor of oncologic results and survival of patients with rectal cancer

INTRODUCTION: Neoadjuvant chemoradiation promotes tumor size reduction and staging before the surgery, reducing the risk of involving the circumferential resection margin and local recurrence. For patients who have been submitted to the neoadjuvant therapy, the usefulness of a second nuclear magnetic res...