Results: 600

Adverse events of vaccines and the consequences of non-vaccination: a critical review

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze the risks related to vaccines and the impacts of non-vaccination on the world population. METHODS: This is a narrative review that has considered information present in the bibliographic databases NCBI-PubMed, Medline, Lilacs, and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Sci...

Compliance with the vaccination schedule in children hospitalized with pneumonia and associated factors

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To verify the adequacy and factors associated with compliance with the immunization schedule (BCG, DTP-Hib, MMR, PCV-10) in children hospitalized with pneumonia at a pediatric referral hospital in Northeast Brazil. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study with an analyt...

Use of electronic immunization registry in the surveillance of adverse events following immunization

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe adverse events following vaccination (AEFV) of children under two years old and analyze trend of this events from 2000 to 2013, in the city of Araraquara (SP), Brazil. METHODS This is a descriptive study conducted with data of the passive surveillance system of AEFV that ...

Vaccine confidence and hesitancy in Brazil

Despite the overall benefits of immunization, vaccine hesitancy has been a growing trend and has been associated with the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases. The aim of this study was to assess vaccine confidence and hesitancy in Brazil, as part of a wider project to map vaccine confidence global...

Preguntas frecuentes respecto a la vacuna contra el virus papiloma humano

Rev. chil. infectol; 35 (5), 2018
Resumen En este artículo práctico, en base a preguntas y respuestas, se abordan las principales consultas formuladas a los especialistas, tales como ¿Porqué vacunar contra VPH? ¿Composición de la vacuna? ¿Cuáles son su eficacia y seguridad? ¿Deben vacunarse varones? y varias otras....

Anafilaxia relacionada à vacina sarampo, caxumba e rubéola, Santa Catarina, Brasil, 2014 e 2015

Resumo: Os objetivos consistiram em descrever os casos e verificar a frequência de anafilaxia relacionada à vacina sarampo, caxumba e rubéola (SCR) do produtor A, bem como avaliar os possíveis fatores de risco associados. Estudo de caso-controle (1:4), em Santa Catarina, Brasil, de 14 de julho de 201...

Permanent education in the vaccination room: what is the reality?

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand, from the perspective of the professional, the Permanent Education (PE) in the vaccination room in its real context. Method: Multiple holistic-qualitative case studies, based on Maffesoli's Interpretive Sociology with 56 participants from four microregions of the Weste...

Estudio pre-trasplante hepático: ¿qué buscar y cómo hacerlo? Si algo es positivo: ¿qué hacemos?

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 29 (supl.1), 2018
The process of evaluation of candidate patients for liver transplantation should include the risk of infectious diseases in order to prevent the drop out of the waiting list due to infections or the occurrence of these in the post-transplant period. Cirrhotic patients in the pre-transplant stage are very...

Brote de Parotiditis Vírica en el Liceo Militar de Acosta Ñu de junio a octubre del año 2016

Pediatr. (Asunción); 45 (1), 2018
Introducción: El presente estudio trata de un brote de parotiditis en un Liceo Militar que se inicia en junio del año 2016 y se prolonga hasta fines de octubre del mismo año. El objetivo fue describir las características epidemiológicas del brote. Métodos: Es observacional, retroprospectivo, de cor...

Control humanitario de poblaciones animales. Experiencia Control de gatos de exterior en Bogotá

Introducción: el bienestar animal es un asunto de interés público y político que incluye aspectos científicos, éticos, económicos, y comerciales entre otros; por ello, es multifacético y complejo, y se hace imprescindible sustentar su aplicación en bases científicas y objetivas. Objetivo: la ...