ABSTRACT Objective To determine how often sitting/rising from a chair should be assessed in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients to avoid redundant/missing data. Methods Sitting/rising from a chair was evaluated in 26 DMD children (5-12 yrs), in three-month intervals, over twelve months, with t...
El uso de la medicina complementaria y alternativa está aumentando en todo el mundo, especialmente en los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas. En los tiempos de la medicina basada en la evidencia, en ocasiones se puede omitir el potencial beneficio de las terapias alternativas que no siempre pueden ser...
Abstract Objective: To investigate the influence of a protocol of Pilates exercises on the functionality and contractility of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) of older women living in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Method: Ten women (median age of 63.4±4.5 years) with little or no pelvic...
Abstract Objective: To assess methodological quality of the randomized controlled trials of physiotherapy in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting in the intensive care unit. Methods: The studies published until May 2015, in MEDLINE, Cochrane and PEDro were included. The primary outcome...
Abstract Many health systems (HS) have adopted novel models of care which have included non-medical prescription (NMP) by physiotherapists. The aim of this study was to verify in the literature the existence of this practice and its possible benefits. A literature review was carried out through search on...
AIMS: To assess accommodation phenomena characteristics (threshold, time and amplitude/intensity) during stimulation with interferential current, comparing male and female healthy adults.
METHODS: A non randomized clinical trial with intentional sampling by gender included 30 healthy adult volunteers age...
Introdução: Fraqueza muscular é um dos principais problemas nos pacientes em ventilação mecânica invasiva e, para atenuar esta co-morbidade a Eletroestimulação Neuromuscular (EENM) vêm sendo estudada. Objetivos: verificar os efeitos da EENM na mobilidade diafragmática e associação entre esta ...
Introdução: A Lipodistrofia localizada (LL) é o excesso de tecido adiposo em locais do corpo. A terapia combinada (TC) e a drenagem linfática manual (DLM) podem agir na redução da LL. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito da TC associada à DLM sobre a LL no abdômen de mulheres jovens e o grau de satisfaç...
Athanazio, Rodrigo Abensur;
Silva Filho, Luiz Vicente Ribeiro Ferreira da;
Vergara, Alberto Andrade;
Ribeiro, Antônio Fernando;
Riedi, Carlos Antônio;
Procianoy, Elenara da Fonseca Andrade;
Adde, Fabíola Villac;
Reis, Francisco José Caldeira;
Ribeiro, José Dirceu;
Torres, Lídia Alice;
Fuccio, Marcelo Bicalho de;
Epifanio, Matias;
Firmida, Mônica de Cássia;
Damaceno, Neiva;
Ludwig-Neto, Norberto;
Maróstica, Paulo José Cauduro;
Rached, Samia Zahi;
Melo, Suzana Fonseca de Oliveira.
ABSTRACT Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by dysfunction of the CFTR gene. It is a multisystem disease that most often affects White individuals. In recent decades, various advances in the diagnosis and treatment of CF have drastically changed the scenario, re...
Introducción: La bronquiolitis de tipo viral es la patología respiratoria más común en menores de 1 año, siendo el virus respiratorio sincitial (VRS) el principal agente infeccioso involucrado con cerca del 80% de los casos. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de las diferentes técnicas de fisioterapi...