Results: 4817

Prevalencia de Staphylococcus aureusy su sensibilidad antibiótica en aislamientos en infecciones de piel y partes blandas en pacientes ambulatorios
Staphylococcus aureus prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility in isolates from skin and soft tissue infections in outpatients

ntroducción: Las infecciones de piel y partes blandas (IPPB) constituyen la tercera causa de consulta en nuestro centro. S.aureus es el agente etiológico más frecuente en este tipo de infecciones y la meticilino resistencia es clínicamente el mecanismo de resistencia más importante. El objetivo de e...

Dental Loss in the Lower Socioeconomic Stratum of a Sample of the Chilean Population Born in the 19TH and 20TH Centuries

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: Partial or total dental loss (edentulism) is associated with decreased quality of life. Chile has large socioeconomic gaps, which are also recognized in oral health, but it is not known how Edentulism has evolved throughout the country. The aim of this study was to determine the edentulism in pe...

Morphology of the Second Mesiobuccal Canal in the Maxillary Second Molar

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: Failure to locate a complete canal system affects the prognosis of root canal treatment. A missed root canal is one of the most common reasons for failed root canal treatment. The prevalence of the second mesiobuccal canal in the maxillary second molar is relatively high and has a variety of con...

Prevalencia, caracterización y pronóstico de pacientes con sospecha de insuficiencia cardíaca en atención primaria de salud en Chile

Rev. chil. cardiol; 43 (1), 2024
Introducción: La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) tiene alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Su diagnóstico temprano en atención primaria de salud (APS) es un reto dada la baja especificidad de sus criterios clínicos y las limitaciones en acceso a técnicas diagnósticas. Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de IC...

Older adults, males, and sedentary individuals had a higher number of hospitalizations for COVID-19: prevalence and associated factors in Barbacena-MG, Brazil, 2021-2022

HSJ; 14 (), 2024
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 and to investigate associated factors in adult patients in the city of Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Method: This cross-sectional study included a sample of 248 community participants (≥18 years old) with post-COVID-19 complai...

Clinical, psychological and environmental factors that affect sleep quality of in surgical patients

HSJ; 14 (), 2024
Objective: To assess the quality of sleep among surgical inpatients and to determine the associated clinical, environmental, and psychological factors. Method: A cross-sectional observational study using descriptive correlation analysis was conducted on 150 surgical inpatients at a Portuguese hospital ce...

Mapping and projections of obesity in the Brazilian adult population assisted in Primary Health Care: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

HSJ; 14 (), 2024
Objective: To map the temporal evolution of overweight and obesity in Brazilian adults and estimate the prevalence of obesity for 2025 and 2030, evaluating the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Data were collected on the nutritional status of adults from 2008 to 2021 from the Food and Nu...

Geriatric Characterization of Older Persons with Deficient Removable Dental Prostheses

Aging is a gradual and adaptive process that entails a series of changes, leading to reduced functional and physiological capacity. Each elderly person presents heterogeneous health conditions that must be considered by the interdisciplinary team responsible for their functional maintenance and overall h...

Asociación entre Calcificaciones del Complejo Estilohioideo y Síntomas Clínicos en Pacientes Atendidos en el Centro de Salud de la Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Santiago, Chile

Hoy en día es común recibir pacientes en la clínica odontológica relatando dolor uni o bilateral en la zona lateral de la cara, más específicamente en la zona de las ramas mandibulares. Este dolor puede ser muchas veces de origen dental, muscular masticatorio, de las articulaciones temporomandibula...

Epidemiología de la apendicitis aguda en Colombia: Un análisis de las bases de datos administrativas del Ministerio de Salud

Rev. colomb. cir; 39 (2), 2024
Introducción. La apendicitis aguda es una afección común, con un pico de incidencia entre los 10 y 20 años. La cirugía es el tratamiento preferido y la apendicectomía por laparotomía sigue siendo el estándar, aunque el abordaje laparoscópico ha mostrado menos complicaciones. El objetivo de este ...