Results: 725

Sweet Syndrome in childhood

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (4), 2015
AbstractSweet syndrome or acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is a recurrent and rare skin disease caused by the release of cytokines, with diverse possible etiologic causes. It presents clinically with polymorphic skin lesions, fever, arthralgia, and peripheral leukocytosis. In general, it is associat...

Leishamniose tegumentar americana: um desafio diagnóstico na prática pediátrica

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais; 25 (S6), 2015
O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever as particularidades clínicas da leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) e as dificuldades em realizar o diagnóstico dessa doença em Pediatria. Serão relatados três casos clínicos provenientes de serviço de referência no atendimento de doenças infecciosas par...

Incontinencia urinaria en un grupo de personas vinculadas con el programa de adultos mayores del municipio de Sabaneta, Colombia

Med. U.P.B; 34 (1), 2015
Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de Incontinencia urinaria (IU) en un grupo de adultos mayores del municipio de Sabaneta, Colombia e identificar factores de riesgo, características clínicas y prácticas de autocuidado. Metodología: se desarrolló un estudio Cross Sectional. Se aplicó una encuesta ...

Daño y respuesta celular en piel por exposición prolongada a radiación UV

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa); 9 (1), 2015
La piel es uno de los órganos importantes que con mayor frecuencia sufre estrés oxidativo por la radiación ultravioleta (UV), proveniente de la radiación solar, por su longitud de onda se clasifica en: UVA, UVB, y UVC. La UVB es la que mayor daño biológico produce en la piel causando estrés oxidat...

Esophageal lichen planus

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (3), 2015
Abstract Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes, nails and scalp. Esophageal lichen planus is a rarely reported manifestation of lichen planus, presenting itself commonly in middle-aged women, with symptoms such as dysphagia. We report a case of esophageal...

Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (3,supl.1), 2015

Polyarteritis nodosa is a rare vasculitis in children characterized by necrotizing inflammation in small and medium size arteries. It is classified into systemic and cutaneous PAN according to the presence of systemic symptoms or visceral involvement. We describe the case of a 1...

Dermatosis neglecta

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (3,supl.1), 2015

Dermatosis neglecta is the name of a skin condition characterized by papules and polygonal plaques, which are sometimes warty, brownish and hyperpigmented, adherent and symmetric, though removable with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. It occurs due to inadequate skin cleansing causin...

Furuncular myiasis -Eco-epidemiological view of a case report

Infectio; 19 (2), 2015
Myiasis includes several entities recognized in the rural environment. It occurs generally in older adults and may compromise locations from the skin and scalp to mucous membranes. The responsibles are insects of the Diptera class, whose larvae develop in living tissues thus infesting of the host. We rep...

Majocchi's granuloma - Case report

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (2), 2015
We report the case of a three-year-old child who, following long term treatment with topical corticosteroids and their associations for a case of ringworm on the face developed a form of folliculitis known as Majocchi's Granuloma. Treatment with oral Griseofulvin was successful....

Skin changes after bariatric surgery

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (2), 2015
Today, obesity is considered an epidemic all over the world and it is recognized as one of the major public health problems. Bariatric surgery is considered an appropriate therapeutic option for obesity with progressively increasing demands. The changes resulting from massive weight loss after bariatric ...