Results: 723

Los criterios de elegibilidad actuales del Seguro Popular para recibir tratamiento para el virus de la hepatitis C
The current eligibility criteria of Seguro Popular to receive treatment for the hepatitis C virus

Salud pública Méx; 58 (6), 2016

Pharmacologic management of pain in patients with Chikungunya: a guideline

Abstract From the arrival of Chikungunya virus in the Americas in 2013 until March 2016, approximately two million cases of the disease have been reported. In Brazil, the virus was identified in 2014 and thousands of people have been affected. The disease has high attack rates, infecting 50% of a populat...

Benznidazole therapy for Chagas disease in asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi -seropositive former blood donors: evaluation of the efficacy of different treatment regimens

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease currently affects 5.7 million people in Latin America and is emerging in non-endemic countries. There is no consensus concerning the efficacy of trypanocidal therapy for patients with the chronic form of the disease. We evaluated cardiac function and sociodemograph...

Sistematização de um protocolo de atendimento clínico odontológico a gestantes em um Município Sul Catarinense

Introdução: A assistência odontológica para gestantes ainda sofre barreiras, pelos mitos e inverdades de que o tratamento odontológico venha causar algum dano à formação do bebê, uma vez que, nesse período, a cavidade bucal sofre alterações importantes, tornando o pré-natal odontológico um ...

Conduct protocol in emergency: Acute adrenal insufficiency

Summary Introduction: Acute adrenal insufficiency or addisonian crisis is a rare comorbidity in emergency; however, if not properly diagnosed and treated, it may progress unfavorably. Objective: To alert all health professionals about the diagnosis and correct treatment of this complication. Method: W...

Importance of the use of protocols for the management of analgesia and sedation in pediatric intensive care unit

Summary Introduction: Analgesia and sedation are essential elements in patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU), in order to promote the control of pain, anxiety and agitation, prevent the loss of devices, accidental extubation, and improve the synchrony of the patient with mechanical ventilation. ...

Protocolo assistencial de enfermagema portadores de traqueostomia em ventilação mecânica
Health care nursing protocol to people in mechanical ventilation tracheostomy

HU rev; 42 (1), 2016
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva que objetivou elaborar um protocolo assistencial de enfermagem a portadores de traqueostomia em ventilação mecânica. Participaram 11 profissionais de enfermagem da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital universitário do sul do Brasil. A col...