Results: 969

A constituição do mundo e de si-próprio no enlace existencial mãe-bebê

O presente escrito trata de uma fenomenologia acerca da constituição de mundo e de si-próprio a partir do corpo-infans. A existência humana demanda um mundo. Sua formação se dá em meio às vivências de sociabilidade que possibilitam a apropriação dos sentidos na corporeidade. Essa constituiçã...

Efectos de un programa de inteligencia emocional en la ansiedad y el autoconcepto en mujeres con cáncer de mama

Ter. psicol; 35 (3), 2017
El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los efectos de un programa de inteligencia emocional en la ansiedad y el autoconcepto en mujeres con cáncer de mama sometidas a cirugía. Se utilizó una muestra de 81 mujeres, 39 pertenecientes al grupo de intervención y 42 al grupo control. El estudio utilizó u...

Estudio de la autopercepción del estado de salud y enfermedad en los pobladores de la localidad de Rawson, partido de Chacabuco (Provincia de Buenos Aires)
Study of the self-perception of the state of health and disease in the inhabitants of the town of Rawson, Chacabuco district (Province of Buenos Aires)

El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar un diagnóstico respecto de hábitos, percepciones de la salud y enfermedad declarada por el habitante. Las actividades fueron desarrolladas en la localidad de Rawson, Partido de Chacabuco (Provincia de Buenos Aires) a 180 km de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, a la...

Qualidade de vida e autopercepção de saúde de crianças com mau desempenho escolar

Rev. paul. pediatr; 35 (4), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre qualidade de vida e autopercepção de saúde em crianças com mau desempenho escolar, considerando fatores sociodemográficos. Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico transversal com 99 crianças de 7 a 12 anos, participantes dos Atendimentos Educaci...

Clinical correlates of loss of insight in bipolar depression

Abstract Introduction Affective state may influence insight, especially regarding mania. Nevertheless, studies have so far suggested that depression seems not to significantly impair insight. To the best of our knowledge, this study pioneers the evaluation of how insight variations in bipolar depression...

Adaptación inicial de un cuestionario de autopercepción de calidad de vida en pacientes con disfagia

El propósito de este estudio fue realizar una adaptación inicial a la población chilena del Swallowing Quality of Life Questionnaire (SWAL-QOL), instrumento diseñado para conocer la autopercepción de la calidad de vida que informan las personas con disfagia orofaríngea.La adapta...

The work and the health of elderly butchers: case reports from a municipal market

Abstract The present study aimed to verify the health and work conditions of seven elderly workers carrying out informal labor activities in a municipal market and to describe the accidents they suffered at work. A qualitative case study was carried out with seven elderly butcher workers from a municipal...

Multimorbidity associated with polypharmacy and negative self-perception of health

Abstract Objective: to verify the association between the multimorbidity of the elderly and sociodemographic variables, self-perception of health and polypharmacy. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed. The research data was collected using the Health, Well-Being and Aging questionnaire. The sa...

Perception of oral health in home care of caregivers of the elderly

Abstract Objective: to analyze the perception of caregivers of elderly persons regarding their own oral health care and that of the elderly individuals. Method: a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach was carried out. Semi-structured interviews with 13 caregivers were conducted, rec...

Profile and prevalence of hearing complaints in the elderly

Abstract Introduction: Hearing is essential for the processing of acoustic information and the understanding of speech signals. Hearing loss may be associated with cognitive decline, depression and reduced functionality. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of hearing complaints in elderly individuals ...