Obesity is considered a global public health problem. Cesarean section has been associated with high body mass index (BMI) and increased obesity throughout life. However, this association has been challenged by some studies. This study aims to assess the causal effect of cesarean section on the BMI of ch...
Introdução: a exposição intrauterina ao vírus Zika (ZIKV) pode causar atrasos no neurodesenvolvimento das crianças nascidas com ou sem sintomas da Síndrome Congênita da Zika. Entretanto poucos estudos têm comparado o neurodesenvolvimento entre as crianças com exposição intrauterina ao ZIKV na...
O Brasil tem sido severamente afetado pela pandemia da COVID-19. Nesse contexto, profissionais de saúde permanecem expostos a fatores estressores por um longo período de pandemia, deixando-os no limite físico e emocional. Estes profissionais são submetidos à sobrecarga e longas jornadas de trabalho,...
Introdução: A fibrose cística (FC) é uma doença genética, progressiva e multissistêmica. Sua principal causa de mortalidade é o acometimento do sistema respiratório, o que colocou imediatamente os pacientes com FC como sendo do grupo de altíssimo risco para as complicações relacionadas à inf...
ABSTRACT Objective To present the frequency and species diversity of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, estimate the prevalence of non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease, describe the epidemiological profile, and determine the follow-up of patients with non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disea...
Barretto Filho, Antonio Carlos Pereira;
Salotto, Danute Bareisys;
Schoueri, João Francisco Lindenberg;
Tsutsui, Jeane Mike;
Granato, Celso Francisco Hernandes;
Yamaguchi, Marianna Barbosa;
Carvalho, Riciane de;
Zacarias, Nadir;
Marcelino, Antônio Sérgio Zafred;
Rabelo, Rogerio;
Jacob Filho, Wilson.
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the first COVID-19 pandemic at Casa Ondina Lobo, a philanthropic nursing home in São Paulo city, and the containment measures against the pandemic that proved to be effective. Methods: Several preventive measures were taken before and during the pandemic, with emphasis ...
ABSTRACT Objective Despite the development of endovascular procedures, open repair remains the gold standard for the treatment of aortic thoracoabdominal aneurysms and some type B dissections, with well-established good outcomes and long-term durability at high-volume centers. The present study describ...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the importance attributed to tonsillitis by guardians and their level of knowledge about the disease, correlating their management with their schooling and socioeconomic profiles. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and observational cross-sectional study involving stud...
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze clinical and sociodemographic characteristics associated with death and hospitalization of healthcare workers due to COVID-19, in addition to calculating the incidence rates per profession. Methods A cross-sectional observational study using secondary open data from the ...
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the pattern of triggering and exacerbation of dermatological diseases between March and July 2020 and to compare this pattern to the corresponding period of 2019. Methods This was a quantitative, descriptive, comparative and documentary study that was carried out through...