Results: 7404

Evaluación de los riesgos ocupacionales asociados a indicadores bioquímicos en conductores profesionales
Evaluation of occupational risks associated to biochemical indicators in professional drivers

Rev. medica electron; 39 (1), 2017
Introducción: en el campo de la Seguridad y Salud Laboral, el transporte por carretera sigue enfrentándose a una serie de condicionantes. La implantación de actuaciones en materia preventiva en las empresas del sector se viene realizando de una manera gradual, impulsada por el interés de las administ...

A prospective randomized controlled multicentre trial comparing intravesical DMSO and chondroïtin sulphate 2% for painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To compare effectiveness of intravesical chondroïtin sulphate (CS) 2% and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) 50% in patients with painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC). Materials and methods Patients were randomized to receive either 6 weekly instillations of CS 2% or 50...

Female sexual function following a novel transobturator sling procedure without paraurethral dissection (modified-TOT)

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Purpose To determine whether there is a difference in sexual function after modified and classical TOT procedures. Materials and Methods Of the 80 sexually active women with SUI, 36 underwent an original outside-in TOT as described by Delorme, and 44 underwent modified TOT procedure, between...

Does MRI help in the pre - operative evaluation of pelvic fracture urethral distraction defect? - a pilot study

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objectives To study the usefulness of MRI in preoperative evaluation of PFUDD. Can MRI provide additional information on urethral distraction defect (UDD) and cause of erectile dysfunction (ED)? Materials and Methods In this prospective study, consecutive male patients presenting with PFUDD ...

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation versus electrical stimulation with pelvic floor muscle training for overactive bladder syndrome in women: results of a randomized controlled study

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Introduction This study compared percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) versus electrical stimulation with pelvic floor muscle training (ES + PFMT) in women with overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Materials and Methods 60 women with OAB were enrolled. Patients were randomized into two ...

Design and validation of an oral health questionnaire for preoperative anaesthetic evaluation

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 67 (1), 2017
Abstract Background and objectives: Dental injuries incurred during endotracheal intubation are more frequent in patients with previous oral pathology. The study objectives were to develop an oral health questionnaire for preanaesthesia evaluation, easy to apply for personnel without special dental trai...

Papillomavirus infections in the oral and genital mucosa of asymptomatic women

Braz. j. infect. dis; 21 (1), 2017
Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been found in several regions of the body, including the oral cavity. Recently, this virus has been associated with oropharyngeal cancer, but little is known about HPV transmission to the oral cavity. We carried out a study to investigate concurrent oral and cervic...

Colpopexia al ligamento sacroespinoso con CapioTM; cirugía, resultados y evolución de pacientes
Sacroespinous ligament colpopexy with CapioTM; surgery patient outcomes and evolution

Introducción: El prolapso genital femenino altera significativamente la calidad de vida de la mujer. El prolapso apical es el segundo más frecuente después del defecto de pared anterior y la colposuspensión al ligamento sacroespinoso es una de las técnicas quirúrgicas descritas para su tratamiento....

Hallazgos citológicos y factores de riesgo en citología cervical anormal en mujeres de pescadores del norte peruano, 2015
Cytological findings and risk factors in abnormal cervical cytology in female fishermen from northern Peru, 2015

Introducción: El cáncer de cuello uterino es un problema de salud pública mundial, y es la segunda causa de muerte en el Perú; su estudio se ha realizado más en poblaciones de grandes ciudades, dejando de lado otras poblaciones que podrían tener un riesgo significativo. Objetivo: Determinar la prev...

Avaliação da qualidade de vida de praticantes de ginástica laboral

Introdução: A qualidade de vida (QV) de trabalhadores vem sendo alvo de pesquisas há algum tempo no Brasil. Sendo assim verifica-se a necessidade de avaliar QV e parâmetros antropométricos de participantes, funcionários e estagiários, de instituição de ensino que realizaram a prática da ginást...