This paper examines the relationship between nutrition and health and discusses the implications of recession for nutrition in relation to supply and demand conditions as well as income and price levels. Proposals for addressing the food and nutrition problems are offered and measures to be adopted both ...
This paper attempts to describe the basic elements of the food and nutrition surveillance systems being introduced in the member countries, the staff components involved in the systems, and the degree of integration within the national health data system. The information is gleaned from the reports of th...
This paper analyses the nutritional problems of the Caribbean region and points to the causal factor as being not an insufficiency in food availability but inequity in its distribution, associated with income inequalities and injudicious food choices both in quantity and quality in relation to nutritiona...
This paper examines the system of food distribution within the Caribbean region, points out the factors impinging on the system and their consequences, and sets forth some ideas on how the distribution system could be modified in order to ensure equity...
Los avances, limitaciones y perspectivas del Programa Hospital Amigo del Niño y de Madre. Este Programa inició sus acciones en Septiembre de 1991, teniendo a su favor significativos logros. Se destaca la decisión de las empresas fabricantes de sucedáneos de la leche materna, instaladas en México,de ...
Precisa la naturaleza y composición orgánica de la Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, estableciendo las responsabilidades de sus componentes así como la naturaleza de su cometido y de sus funciones. Se divide el documento en tres componentes: gobierno y conducción, ejecución y acciones descentraliza...