A burn patient is a challenge for any anesthesiologist, undergoing several surgeries during admission, and requiring general anesthesia and muscle relaxation most of the times. The victim may have respiratory system impairment and a response to muscle relaxants that dif...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Studies have shown that the rate of propofol infusion may influence the predicted propofol concentration at the effect site (Es). The aim of this study was to evaluate the Es predicted by the Marsh pharmacokinetic model (ke0 0.26 min-1) in loss of consciousness during fast or sl...
INTRODUÇÃO Os pacientes ex-obesos necessitam de uma abordagem complexa, diante do grande excesso de pele decorrente da perda ponderal. Em alguns casos, muitas cirurgias plásticas são necessárias, não havendo uma padronização na associação destas cirurgias. No segmento superior do corpo, a regiÃ...