Results: 138

Sociodemographic factors associated with smoking risk perception in adolescents in São Paulo, Brazil

Objective: We examined the sociodemographic factors associated with smoking risk perceptions (SRP) in youth living in two very different neighborhoods in the city of São Paulo, Brazil: a middle-class central area (Vila Mariana) and a poor outer-city area (Capão Redondo). Methods: A cross-sectional sur...

Posición del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología en relación a los cuestionamientos de las vacunas y su obligatoriedad

Rev. chil. pediatr; 90 (5), 2019
Resumen: A pesar del enorme impacto de las vacunas en la salud de la población, estas han sido y son objeto de cuestionamientos por grupos que las consideran innecesarias o inseguras y argumentan que las personas tienen el derecho a decidir sobre si estas deben ser administradas o no. Sin embargo el uso...

How do we live with chronic disease? A rights-based approach promoting the wellbeing of children with chronic disease

Abstract This paper focuses on the life experiences of children with chronic disease, a group whose invisibility involves particular challenges in their relationship with professionals in important life contexts, such as family, school and hospital. The study includes two complementary phases: i) Phase 1...

Psychological preparation reduces preoperative anxiety in children. Randomized and double-blind trial

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (5), 2019
Abstract Objective: To verify the effect of psychological preparation on the relief of preoperative anxiety in children and to correlate parents' and children's levels of anxiety. Method: After the approval of the institutional Research Ethics Committee and written consent of the children's parents or ...

The role of the obesogenic environment and parental lifestyles in infant feeding behavior

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the role of the obesogenic environment and parental lifestyles in infant feeding behavior. Data sources: The searches were performed in PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Lilacs and Scielo databases, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The descriptors used were found in the Me...

The effects of parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas in the development of personality: a systematic review

Abstract Introduction: The present paper aims to identify and characterize studies that assess the repercussions of parental rearing styles on development of psychopathological symptoms and to examine the possible relations between parental rearing behaviors and development of early maladaptive schemas ...

Efectividad del tratamiento temprano de niños con mutismo selectivo en los centros educativos

Ter. psicol; 37 (2), 2019
Resumen El mutismo selectivo (MS) es un trastorno de ansiedad de baja prevalencia, lo que dificulta su investigación. Pese a su inicio temprano su diagnóstico no suele hacerse antes del acceso a la escolaridad obligatoria. El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar la eficiencia de un protocolo cognitivo-...

Validación de "The Parental Stressor Scale Infant Hospitalization modificado, al español" en una unidad cuidados intensivos pediátricos

Rev. chil. pediatr; 90 (4), 2019
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las unidades de cuidados intensivos son conocidas como ambientes de alto estrés para los familiares, este puede ser mayor cuando el paciente es un hijo/hija y los padres deben enfrentar la enfermedad y el ambiente hospitalario. El instrumento "The Parental Stressor Scale Infant Hospitali ...

Asthma control in the quality of life levels of asthmatic patients' caregivers: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: To perform a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression to correlate the total scores of asthma control with the increase in the total scores of health-related quality of life levels of parents of asthmatic children. Sources: The search was carried out in the following...