Results: 112

¿Permiten la citología, el genotipado y la anoscopia de alta resolución establecer un protocolo para la detección precoz del carcinoma epidermoide de canal anal en población de riesgo?

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (6), 2018
Introducción: El cáncer anal ha experimentado un aumento de incidencia en los últimos años. Está mediado por el VPH y precedido de cambios precancerosos planteando la posibilidad de dirigir los esfuerzos preventivos hacia los grupos de alto riesgo. Sigue siendo controvertida la indicación de cribad...

Degree of risk for foot ulcer due to diabetes: nursing assessment

ABSTRACT Objective: To classify the level of risk for foot ulcers in people with diabetes mellitus and identify their main predictive risk factors. Method: Exploratory, descriptive study, in which patients were assessed in a municipal ambulatory of São Paulo through nursing consultation, following the...

Classification tree to screen for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective airway clearance

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the defining characteristics of Ineffective airway clearance with better predictive power using classification trees. Method: the predictive power of the defining characteristics of Ineffective airway clearance was evaluated based on classification trees generated from t...

Detection of tuberculosis: respiratory symptoms flow and results achieved

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the flow of care to the person with symptoms of tuberculosis and the results achieved in the detection of cases in Primary Health Care units of two municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul. Method: descriptive of mixed methods, developed between 2013 and 2016. We used secondar...

Screening anal cancer in women living with HIV/AIDS

ABSTRACT Aim: Addressing the main methodologies published in the scientific literature and used to screen anal cancer in women living with HIV/AIDS. Methodology: The current study is an integrative literature review applied to articles published between 2013 and 2017 in databases such as PUBMED, EBSCO ...

Psychiatric disorders in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a case-control study

Rev. bras. psiquiatr; 40 (3), 2018
Objectives: To study the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adolescents with and without type 1 diabetes, the factors associated with its presence, and to test the reliability of a screening tool for use in clinical settings. Methods: Eighty-one adolescents were enrolled in this case-control study, ...

Evaluación preparticipativa cardiovascular pediátrica: declaración de posición de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría (SOCHIPE), Sociedad Chilena de Medicina del Deporte (SOCHMEDEP) y Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (SOCHICAR)

Rev. chil. pediatr; 89 (4), 2018
La Evaluación Preparticipativa (EPP) definida como "la supervisión de salud de individuos, previo a la práctica de la actividad física y/o deporte, que busca optimizar su participación deportiva segura y brindar una oportunidad para identificar los riesgos actuales y futuros de su salud y su calidad...

Los beneficios de la pesquisa de cáncer de pulmón mediante tomografía computada de baja dosis podrían superar los potenciales riesgos de la radiación
The benefits of lung cancer screening using low dose computerized tomography could be greater than the potential harms of radiation

Miocardiopatía dilatada e insuficiencia cardíaca grave: Puesta al día para el médico pediatra

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (3), 2018
La miocardiopatía dilatada es la principal causa de insuficiencia cardíaca que lleva a trasplante cardíaco. Su pronóstico es variable y depende de la etiología, la edad de presentación y el grado de insuficiencia cardíaca. El manejo está orientado a minimizar los síntomas y evitar la progresión...

Perceptions about sexual risk, HIV and HIV-testing in Cali, Colombia

Colomb. med; 49 (2), 2018
Abstract Introduction: In Colombia, 20%-54% of the population with sexual practices at higher risk for HIV infection (men who have sex with men, transgender women, women sex workers) has sometime been tested. Objective: To describe perceptions of sexual risk, HIV and HIV testing in people with risky ...