Results: 1019

Avaliação da eficácia e segurança do microagulhamento com 5-fluorouracil para o tratamento de estrias albas: ensaio clínico randomizado duplo-cego

Introdução: Estrias são um desafio cotidiano ao dermatologista. Na busca por terapias alternativas, surgem o 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) e o microagulhamento ao associarem as seguintes propriedades: inibir fibrose, estimular renovação do colágeno e induzir pigmentação da pele. Objetivo: Avaliar a efic...

O uso da terapia fotodinâmica com aminolevulinato de metila e luz do dia para tratamento de queratoses actínicas

Introdução: A queratose actínica (QA) é lesão pré-maligna que pode progredir para carcinoma espinocelular. O diagnóstico é clínico, dermatoscópico e por microscopia confocal. Atualmente, aborda-se o tratamento do campo cancerizável, abrangendo QAs clinicamente visíveis e subclínicas, sendo a...

Utilidad de la elastografía guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica en la evaluación de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas

Introducción: La elastografía guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica es considerada una herramienta útil en la evaluación de las lesiones solidas pancreáticas (LSP). Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la elastografia en pacientes con LSP. Material y métod...

Bond strength assessment of a universal adhesive system in etch-and-rinse and self-etch modes

Abstract Introduction Modern dentistry is reflected in the insertion of new materials with different adhesion forms in dental structures, such as the Universal adhesive system. Objective To evaluate the bond strength of the universal dentin adhesive system, in the form of self-etching and conventional ...

Influência do método de limpeza da zircônia na adesão da prótese após a contaminação com saliva

Resumo Introdução A contaminação das restaurações de zircônia com saliva antes da cimentação influencia na resistência da adesão face à afinidade com os íons da saliva. Objetivo Analisar os métodos de limpeza da zircônia na adesão à dentina após a contaminação com saliva. Material ...

Use of the bibliographic reference manager in the selection of primary studies in integrative reviews

ABSTRACT Objective: present the use of the bibliographic reference manager EndNote( as a support tool in the construction of a database and the selection of primary studies to develop integrative reviews. Method: a reflection study was undertaken, based on the international and the Brazilian literatu...

Use of computational tools as support to the cross-mapping method between clinical terminologies

ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on the use of computational tools in the cross-mapping method between clinical terminologies. Method: reflection study. Results: the cross-mapping method consists of obtaining a list of terms through extraction and normalization; the connection between the terms of the...

Construction and validation of an educational technology on human papillomavirus vaccine for adolescents

ABSTRACT Objective: To construct and validate a comic-type educational technology on the human papillomavirus vaccine. Methods: A methodological study developed based on the manuals, informative notes of the Ministry of Health and with the suggestions of the target audience. Content validation was perf...

Development of a health literacy instrument related to diabetic foot

ABSTRACT Objective: To develop and verify the validity, reliability and interpretability of an assessment instrument of the Health Literacy regarding Diabetic Foot (HLDF). Method: Methodological study among people with diabetes enrolled in Family Health Strategy (FHS) program, composed of eight phases:...

Evaluation of an Amplified ATP Bioluminescence Method for Rapid Sterility Testing of Large Volume Parenteral

The sterility test described in pharmacopoeial compendia requires a 14-day incubation period to obtain a valid analytical result. Therefore, the use of alternative methods to evaluate the sterility of pharmaceuticals, such as the BacT/Alert® 3D system, is particularly interesting, because it allows a re...