Results: 729

Detección de bocavirus humano en la población infantil de Tucumán y Santa Fe, Argentina

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (2), 2016
Background: A large proportion of acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) remain without etiologic diagnosis, reason why new pathogens are investigated continuously. Human bocavirus (HBoV) was discovered in 2005, as a new member of Parvoviridae family and proposed to cause ARTI. Aim: To know the preval...

Profile of pediatric eye trauma at Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (HBDF), Brasília, Brazil

Summary Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of ocular trauma in children at the HBDF emergency department. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. We evaluated 103 cases of ocular trauma in children less than 15 years between July 2012 and January 2013. The factors evaluated through ...

Estado de salud oral en discapacitados residentes en la Fundación Pequeño Cottolengo don Orione, Paraguay

Viven con discapacidad aproximadamente 600 millones de individuos, cifra que va en aumento; de éstos el 80 % reside en países de bajos ingresos. En el Paraguay, se estima que aproximadamente el 15 % de la población presenta algún tipo de discapacidad. El objetivo fue describir el estado de salud oral...

Self-reported vaccination in the elderly: SABE Bogotá study, Colombia

Colomb. med; 47 (1), 2016
Objectives: To determine the frequency of vaccination in older adults within the city of Bogotá and to estimate the association with sociodemographic and health factors. Methods: This is a secondary data analysis from the SABE-Bogotá Study, a cross-sectional population-based study that included a total...

Efecto de la incorporación de registros adicionales a la presión arterial en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud, Chile 2010

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
Background: It is of utmost importance to identify hypertensive subjects in a country, in order to use efficiently public resources. The National Health Survey 2009-10 in Chile incorporated a third measurement of blood pressure (BP) during the home visit performed by a nurse, and a second day of measurem...

Ten years of a hantavirus disease emergency in the Federal District, Brazil

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus diseases are emerging human diseases caused by Hantavirus spp. of the Bunnyaviridae family. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) has been detected in the Federal District (DF) of Brazil since 2004. Among the 27 Brazilian Federal Units, DF has the highest fatality rate. M...

Relação entre visão referida e visão aferida na primeira avaliação oftalmológica

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 75 (1), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a acuidade visual referida com a aferida no primeiro exame oftalmológico e correlacionar os achados com as variáveis: idade, gênero, escolaridade e nível de acuidade visual. Métodos: Foram levantadas fichas de pacientes atendidos em primeira consulta oftalmológica em uma c...

Smoking control at the School of Public Health, Universidade de São Paulo

SUMMARY Introduction: schools of Public Health, by their nature, have increased responsibility in the development of health promotion programs, focusing on tobacco control. The participation of groups of health professionals in educational actions helps to convey information about smoking to the populat...

La ecografía debería ser el primer estudio por imágenes a realizar en pacientes con sospecha de nefrolitiasis
Ultrasound should be the first imaging study for a patient with suspected nephrolithiasis

The relevance of clinical and radiographic features of jaw lesions: A prospective study

Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The study was carried out in a Brazilian population and the aim was to describe the prevalence and the clinic-radiographical features of jaw lesions. In addition, a comparison between the main diagnosis hypothesis and final diagnosis was accessed. A prospective study which evaluated all patients...