Results: 1545

Anesthesia for muscle biopsy to test susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (4), 2019
Abstract Introduction Malignant hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant pharmacogenetic disorder, characterized by hypermetabolic crisis triggered by halogenated anesthetics and/or succinylcholine. The standard method for diagnosing malignant hyperthermia susceptibility is the in vitro muscle contracture ...

Asociación entre programa de intervención educativa integral y control metabólico de usuarios diabéticos tipo 2 insulino requirentes de Centro de Salud Familiar Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, período 2015-2016 Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (8), 2019
Background: Diabetic patients have a poor adherence to lifestyle changes and a low compliance with medications. Aim: To study the effect of an educational intervention on the metabolic control of patients with diabetes mellitus. Patients and Methods: We studied insulin requiring diabetic patients atten...

The longitudinal relationship between motor competence and measures of fatness and fitness from childhood into adolescence

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objectives: To examine longitudinal (seven years) relationships among cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak), body fatness, and motor competence. Method: Data were collected as part of the Copenhagen School Child Intervention Study (CoSCIS). Body fatness was assessed by the sum of four skinfolds....

The effect of sleep quality on academic performance is mediated by Internet use time: DADOS study

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: The aims of the present study were to analyze the association of sleep patterns with academic and cognitive performance in adolescents, and to test the potential mediating effect of different activities of screen media usage on this association. Methods: A sample of 269 adolescents ...

Changes health-related quality of life in HIV-infected patients following initiation of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study

Braz. j. infect. dis; 23 (4), 2019
Abstract Background: Several tools have been developed to evaluate HIV health-related quality of life (HRQoL) during and after antiretroviral therapy (ART). Few longitudinal studies evaluated the effect of ART on the quality of life of HIV patients. Objective: To evaluate changes in HRQoL in HIV-infect...

Anestesia total intravenosa en cirugía oncológica de mama
Total intravenous anesthesia in breast oncology surgery

Introducción: La anestesia total intravenosa se caracteriza por estabilidad hemodinámica, profundidad anestésica, recuperación rápida y predecible, menor cantidad de medicamentos y menor toxicidad. Objetivo: Describir los resultados de la anestesia total intravenosa en cirugía oncológica de mam...

La hemorragia posparto
Postpartum hemorrhage

Introducción: La hemorragia posparto es una de las principales causas de mortalidad materna. Objetivo: Caracterizar la hemorragia posparto. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo en el servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación del Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto entre...

La anamnesis como pronóstico de mortalidad en la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad
Anamnesis as mortality prognosis in the community acquired pneumonia

Rev. medica electron; 41 (4), 2019
RESUMEN Introducción: La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad constituye un importante problema de salud a nivel global, en Cuba es la cuarta causa de muerte. Los índices pronósticos ayudan a detectar tempranamente los pacientes de alto riesgo, pero esto tiene baja sensibilidad y especificidad. Obje...

Intervenciones diagnósticas prenatales en un hospital público

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
The authors present a study of prenatal diagnostic interventions in a public hospital. The invasive prenatal diagnosis can be achieved by means of threee methods, aspirative punction of chorionic villous, extraction of amniotic fluid and fetal blood sample. Samples of chorionic villus are empoyed for cit...

Experiencia en la colocación del DIUPP

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
Family planning is a key intervention to decrease the mortality rates and maternal morbidity, and neonatal mortality rates of children by mean of the preventiion of unwanted pregnancies, the same as pregnancies that happen very clsely to another previous one with little space between them. Several studie...