Results: 1289

Ambiente alimentar e excesso de peso em usuários do Programa Academia da Saúde

Introdução: O excesso de peso constitui grave problema de Saúde Pública, com ascensão mundial. Neste cenário, torna-se necessário compreender os aspectos associados ao seu desenvolvimento visando o delineamento de intervenções efetivas e sustentáveis, sobretudo no ambiente alimentar obesogênic...

Adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern and Common Mental Disorders in elderly living in São Paulo-SP-Brazil: population-based study

Introduction: The presence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) becomes more common with advancing age. The literature shows the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet on the mental health of the elderly, but few studies have been conducted in Western countries. In addition, studies conducted in non-Me...

Associações entre problemas de saúde mental, comportamento alimentar e estado nutricional de pré-escolares no Município de Ribeirão Preto/SP

O Brasil vive uma transição nutricional, com mudanças no padrão alimentar, redução nos índices de desnutrição e aumento nos índices de obesidade em todas as faixas etárias, incluindo a infância. A obesidade infantil também pode estar associada a problemas na saúde mental de crianças muito ...

Salutogénesis de la alimentación en chile: actores involucrados y brechas detectadas

OBJETIVOS: Conocer los principales actores involucrados y las brechas detectadas en el proceso de aprendizaje alimentario de una población adulta urbana en Santiago de Chile. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: De una muestra de 100 beneficiarios de un CESFAM, se incluyó a quienes tuvieran un alto Índice de Alimen...

Milk consumption, dietary calcium intake and nutrient patterns from adolescence to early adulthood and its effect on bone mass: the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of milk consumption, dietary calcium intake and nutrient patterns (bone-friendly and unfriendly patterns) from late adolescence to early adulthood, on bone at 22 years of age. Cross-sectional analysis was performed with 3,109 participants from 1993 Pe...

Food environment, income and obesity: a multilevel analysis of a reality of women in Southern Brazil

The objective of this study was to explore relationships between the neighborhood food environment and obesity in urban women living in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A cross-sectional survey was carried out. This study was conducted with 1,096 women. Structured interviews were conducted...

Comparing food environment and food purchase in areas with low and high prevalence of obesity: data from a mapping, in-store audit, and population-based survey

Abstract: Our study aimed to compare key aspects of the food environment in two low-income areas in the city of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil: one with low and the other with high prevalence of obesity. We compared the availability of retail food establishments, the types of food sold, and the resid...

Physical activity and food habits are associated with television time on weekends in Brazilian workers

Motriz (Online); 25 (2), 2019
Abstract Aims: Investigated the relation between eating habits or physical activity and weekend television viewing time, regardless of weekday television viewing in Brazilian workers. Methods: A representative cross-sectional study was conducted to measure the relation between weekend television viewin...

Actividad física y alimentación en estudiantes universitarios chilenos

RESUMEN La sociedad occidental se caracteriza actualmente por comportamientos sedentarios en el trabajo, actividades domésticas, recreativas y de ocio, así también por la ingesta calórica desequilibrada y consumo indiscriminado de sal, azúcar y grasas saturadas. Chile no está ajeno a esta realidad:...

Associação entre fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentos de risco à saúde cardiovascular de adolescentes brasileiros com 13 a 17 anos: dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar 2015

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 28 (3), 2019
Objetivo: analisar associação entre fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentos de risco à saúde cardiovascular de adolescentes brasileiros com 13-17 anos. Métodos: utilizaram-se dados sobre 10.926 adolescentes entrevistados na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) 2015 para verificar asso...