Abstract: Objective: To evaluate non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) restored with different adhesion strategies. Methodology: This is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, split-mouth study. An adhesive restorative system (Single Bond Universal/Filtek Z350XT - SBU) was evaluated both without and w...
ABSTRACT Introduction: patients undergoing pulmonary resection may experience local or remote complications in the postoperative period due to the inflammatory response, which increases the length of hospital stay and costs. This study objective was to establish an expanded interleukins profile, identi...
ABSTRACT Objective: minimally invasive bariatric surgery is clearly superior over open procedures including better early outcomes. Different surgical approaches are used to treat the severely obese, having Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) being a highly frequent procedure. Robotic surgery overcomes some...
ABSTRACT Background: In the last decades, numerous studies have confirmed the importance of lactate - by-product to the nutrient signal of the intracellular redox state - to regulatory functions in energy metabolism. Aim: To evaluate changes in blood lactate in patients with severe obesity and its c...
ABSTRACT Background: Due to the lack of normal standards of anorectal manometry in Brazil, data used are subject to normality patterns described at different nationalities. Aim: To determine the values and range of the parameters evaluated at anorectal manometry in people, at productive age, without pe...
ABSTRACT Background: Varicose veins appear above and below the dentate line in mixed hemorrhoids, which seriously affects anal function and quality of life. Aim: To propose an improvement in tissue-selecting therapy repair of anal pad combined with complete anal canal epithelial retention comparing w...
Abstract Background: The creation of a computerized clinical database with the ability to collect prospective information from patients and with the possibility of rescue and crossing data enables scientific studies of higher quality and credibility in less time. Aim: To validate, in a single master pr...
ABSTRACT Background: Gastro-omentopexy promotes the reconnection of the stomach to the gastroesplenic and gastrocolic ligaments and constitutes an alternative for the prevention of complications in laparoscopic vertical gastrectomy. Aim: To demonstrate the benefits of the gastro-omentopexy techniqu...
Obesidad Mórbida/cirugía,
Complicaciones Posoperatorias/epidemiología,
Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control,
Complicaciones Posoperatorias/cirugía,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Calidad de Vida,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Resultado del Tratamiento
ABSTRACT Background: Obesity and bariatric surgery may be related with mental and oral disorders. Aim: To evaluate the impact of bariatric surgery on anxiety, initial dental caries lesion and gingival bleeding in obese patients. Methods: Eighty-nine patients were divided in two groups: Control Group...
RESUMO - RACIONAL: Três técnicas cirúrgicas para correção de hérnia inguinal estão atualmente validadas. Poucos estudos compararam os resultados entre Lichtenstein e a abordagem laparoscópica transabdominal pré-peritoneal obtidos em uma etapa inicial da curva de aprendizado. OBJETIVO: Comparar...