Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o perfil de sensibilidade
antimicrobiana do patógeno mais comum causador da infecção do trato urinário
(ITU) de gestantes que foram internadas em um hospital de ensino do município
de São Paulo em determinado período. Métodos: Estudo retrospec...
Background: The aim of this study was to elaborate a randomized clinical trial protocol to evaluate the effectiveness of class I restorations in resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) and bulk-fill resin in primary molars with untreated early childhood caries in toddlers. Material and Methods: A tot...
Este estudo se propôs a traçar um perfil epidemiológico dos profissionais da Odontologia no
Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), em relação a infecção da COVID-19 durante a pandemia.
Um censo virtual foi disponibilizado aos Cirurgiões-dentistas (CD), técnicos de saúde bucal
(TSBs) e auxiliares d...
Subclavian steal syndrome is a group of symptoms resulting fromretrograde flow in the
vertebral artery, “stealing” blood from the posterior intracranial circulation and other
territories, caused by stenosis or occlusion of the subclavian artery proximal to the
origin of the same vertebral artery, or ...
Objective To analyze the epidemiological profile of patients with spinal cord injury
treated at POLEM – Associação de Apoio às Pessoas comLesão Medular (Association for
Supporting People with Spinal Cord Injury).
Method The population studied comprised 113 patients with spinal cord injury, of
Abstract Background: Leprosy still represents a negleted public health problem in Brazil. Early and adequate treatment of leprosy, carried out in a primary health network is essential to reduce morbidity and sequelae. Objective: To analyze the therapeutic management of leprosy patients referred from pr...
Abstract Objective To analyze the trend of hospitalizations for asthma in children and adolescents by region and age group in Brazil, from 2008 to 2017. Method This is a time-series study with secondary data regarding hospitalizations for asthma in children and adolescents, according to age, region, an...