Results: 2143

Percepção de idosos sobre seu risco de quedas e fatores associados

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 18 (1), 2019
Objective:This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of elderly people’s perception of their risk of falls and the associated factors. Method:This is an analytical study carried out with 190 elderly people participating in an activeaging program. Data were collected through interviews usi...

Low levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate are associated with the risk of developing cardiac autonomic dysfunction in elderly subjects

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the relationships between serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) levels and heart rate variability (HRV) among different age groups. Subjects and methods: Forty-five healthy men were divided into 3 groups: young age (YA; 20-39 yrs; n = 15), middle age (MA; 40-59 yrs...

Inflammatory markers and occurrence of falls: Bambuí Cohort Study of Aging

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze whether inflammatory markers are associated with falls among older adults living in Bambuí. METHODS Study that analyzed baseline data from a Bambuí Cohort Study of Aging, involving 1,250 participants. Data about falls were collected from previous 12 months, classified as ...

Cultural adaptation of the Retirement Resources Inventory for Brazilian culture

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To translate and adapt the Retirement Resources Inventory for Brazilian culture. METHODS Methodological research including the stages of translation, synthesis, evaluation by committee of judges, back-translation and pre-test. The internal consistency of the instrument with Cronbac...

Efectos de la prótesis dental en la función masticatoria de adultos mayores

A medida que envejecemos, en la cavidad oral se producen cambios estructurales, por lo que adultos y adultos mayores requieren del uso de prótesis dental. Sin embargo, la implementación de la prótesis dental puede generar insatisfacción en relación a las diferentes funciones orofaciales. Se realizó...

Deposição de hidreto de silício sobre a zircônia em diferentes tempos: análise química, microestrutural e durabilidade da união ao cimento resinoso

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a Deposição Química na Fase Vapor Assistido por Plasma (PECVD) com hidreto de silício (SiH4) em zircônia VITA YZ HT em diferentes tempos, bem como os seus efeitos nas características superficiais do material e na união ao cimento resinoso antes e após a termoci...

Obesidade associada às reduzidas massa magra e massa óssea: uma emergente e complexa relação envolvendo alterações bioquímicas, metabólicas e funcionais

Introdução - O envelhecimento traz consigo alterações da composição corporal que podem ser desencadeadas ou agravadas pelo estilo de vida. A presença simultânea da reduzida massa magra, da osteopenia (reduzida densidade óssea) e da obesidade emerge como possível fator de risco para morbimortali...

Evaluating the muscular strength, functional capacity, and risk of sarcopenia in elderly women who practice Mat Pilates

Abstract Introduction: Despite the importance of appropriate levels of muscular strength to maintain the functional capacity and a healthy life in old age, the current literature still lacks studies that investigate the profile of elderly women who practice Mat Pilates regarding these variables. Objec...

Palmar strength and sociodemographic, clinical-functional, and psycho-cognitive factors in elderly with Diabetes Mellitus

Abstract Introduction: An important consequence of the aging of people with DM2 is physical disability, particularly the loss of mobility. Objective: To determine sociodemographic, clinical-functional, and psycho-cognitive factors related to the reduction in hand grip strength (HGS) in elderly patien...

Evaluating the extremely elderly at a pulmonary function clinic for the diagnosis of respiratory disease: frequency and technical quality of spirometry

J. bras. pneumol; 45 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the frequency of spirometry in elderly people, by age group, at a pulmonary function clinic, to assess the quality of spirometry in the extremely elderly, and to determine whether chronological age influences the quality of spirometry. Methods: This was a cross-sectiona...