Results: 128

Distribution of depression, somatization and pain-related impairment in patients with chronic temporomandibular disorders

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective the aim of this study was to describe the frequency of psychosocial diagnoses in a large sample of patients attending a tertiary clinic for treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Material and Methods six hundred and ninety-one patients who sought treatment for pain-related T...

Association of anti-nuclesome and anti C1q antibodies with lupus nephritis in an Egyptian cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Adv Rheumatol; 59 (), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Anti-nucleosome and anti-C1q antibodies demonstrated an association with the development of glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Some investigators have proposed that monitoring anti- C1q and anti-nucleosome antibodies might be valuable for making predictions ...

Validation of the Mnemonic Similarity Task - Context Version

Objective: Pattern separation (PS) is the ability to represent similar experiences as separate, non-overlapping representations. It is usually assessed via the Mnemonic Similarity Task - Object Version (MST-O) which, however, assesses PS performance without taking behavioral context discrimination into a...

Hepatitis B and asymptomatic malaria coinfection in Sub-Saharan African immigrants: epidemiological and clinical features of HBV infection

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Here, we conducted an epidemiological study of hepatitis B virus (HBV) mono-infected and asymptomatic malaria/HBV coinfected immigrants and further discussed the possibility of malaria disease modifying the clinical presentation of HBV infection. METHODS: A total of 195 African ...

Los beneficios de la pesquisa de cáncer de pulmón mediante tomografía computada de baja dosis podrían superar los potenciales riesgos de la radiación
The benefits of lung cancer screening using low dose computerized tomography could be greater than the potential harms of radiation

A medicina das migrações como processo social: a experiência italiana

Os processos migratórios e das políticas de proteção à saúde do migrante é, na atualidade, um problema global a ser enfrentado pelos Estados Nacionais. As crises humanitárias ou sociais geradas precisam ser observadas a partir da compreensão de uma produção vinculada aos fatos políticos e de ...

Bipolar disorders: is there an influence of seasonality or photoperiod?

Objective: To increase understanding of the influence of photoperiod variation in patients with bipolar disorders. Methods: We followed a sample of Italian bipolar patients over a period of 24 months, focusing on inpatients. All patients admitted to the Psychiatric Inpatient Unit of San Luigi Gonzaga Ho...

Dysfunctional eating behaviors, anxiety, and depression in Italian boys and girls: the role of mass media

Objective: Extensive research has implicated identification with characters in mass media in the emergence of disordered eating behavior in adolescents. We explored the possible influence of the models offered by television (TV) on adolescents' body image, body uneasiness, eating-disordered behavior, dep...

O colapso de Turim: patografias de Nietzsche e racionalidades médicas

Resumo Aos 44 anos, após sofrer um colapso em Turim, o filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche recebeu o diagnóstico médico de neurossífilis. Devido à ausência de autópsia em seu corpo, tal diagnóstico médico vem sendo questionado historicamente. Realizou-se a revisão da literatura disponível sobre o di...