Results: 1019

Endoscopic prediction of tumor invasion depth in early gastric neoplasia: a prospective study in Peru

Introduction: Endoscopic resection is the first option treatment of early gastric cancer with invasion to mucosa or superficial submucosa, because the risk of nodal metastasis is negligible. Then the prediction of tumor invasion is cardinal. Objectives: Determine the accuracy of endoscopic prediction for...

Laparoendoscopic rendez-vous: a safe alternative to the treatment of choledocholithiasis

The choice treatment for choledocholithiasis when associated with lithiasic cholecystitis is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). However, in some cases this therapeutic fails, which requires an alternative method to extract the stones. The surgical approach tends to be the next step, b...

Orientações para utilização de acelerômetros no Brasil

O objetivo do presente estudo foi apresentar um conjunto de orientações para a utilização de acelerômetros no Brasil. O método consistiu na revisão e síntese de artigos que utilizaram acelerômetros como instrumento de medida objetiva da atividade física. Com base nesses estudos...

A brief homophobia scale in medical students from two universities: Results of a refinement process

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: The process of evaluating measurement scales is an ongoing procedure that requires revisions and adaptations according to the characteristics of the participants. The Homophobia Scale of seven items (EHF-7) has showed acceptable performance in medical students attending to two univ...

Guía para la elaboración de procedimientos
Guide for the development of procedures

Para el fortalecimiento del rol rector de la SESAL se establece como una función sustantiva definir el marco normativo sanitario, tal como lo establece el Acuerdo No.406 que aprue- ba el Reglamento Interno de Organización y Funciones de la Secretaría de Salud del 15 de mayo del 2014. La Dirección Gen...

Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale

Abstract: With standardized screening tools, research studies have shown that developmental disabilities can be detected reliably and with validity in children as young as 4 months of age by using the instruments such as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. In this review, we will focus on one tool, the Ag...

Leucemia linfoblástica aguda infantil: una aproximación genómica

Resumen: En paralelo al proyecto de la secuenciación del genoma humano, se han desarrollado varias plataformas tecnológicas que están permitiendo ganar conocimiento sobre la estructura del genoma de las entidades humanas, así como evaluar su utilidad en el abordaje clínico del paciente. En la leucem...

Systematic review of the current status of programs and general knowledge of diagnosis and management of retinoblastoma

Abstract: Background: This systematic review aims to report the current knowledge of retinoblastoma (Rb) and its implications in Mexico. We analyzed clinical and demographic data of patients with Rb at select hospitals with Rb programs or that treat and refer patients with Rb, and identified the gaps i...

Cierre percutáneo de conducto arterioso mediante un asa arteriovenosa en un paciente con síndrome de la cimitarra

Resumen: Introducción: El síndrome de la cimitarra consiste en una rara malformación, caracterizada por una conexión anómala parcial de una o ambas venas pulmonares derechas a la vena cava inferior, hipoplasia de pulmón derecho y circulación sistémica desde la aorta descendente. El síndrome de...