Results: 1653

Indicadores antropométricos associados à demência em idosos de Florianópolis - SC, Brasil: Estudo EpiFloripa Idoso

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a associação entre demência e indicadores antropométricos em idosos de Florianópolis. Estudo transversal, de base populacional, realizado com 1.197 idosos (≥ 60 anos) em 2013/2014. A demência foi considerada como a presença conjunta de escore baix...

Muscle strength training program in nonagenarians - a randomized controlled trial

SUMMARY OBJECTIVES: The study aims to improve the functional capacity and quality of life (QOL) of nonagenarian women by implementing an individualized muscle strength training program in a geriatric residential care home. STUDY DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial METHODS: Twenty-six elderly women w...

Sleep quality is inversely related to body mass index among university students

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity and its association with sleep quality in university students from the Anhui province in China. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in China with 1328 participants. The prevalence of unde...

Sun exposure, skin lesions and vitamin D production: evaluation in a population of fishermen

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (3), 2019
Abstract: Background: Exposure to UVR provides benefits related to vitamin D synthesis, but also causes harms, since UVB is considered a complete carcinogen. There is no definition of the level of sun exposure and the proportion of exposed body required for proper synthesis of vitamin D in the skin with...

Clinical manifestations and quality of life in hidradenitis suppurativa patients: survey of participants from an internet support group

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (3), 2019
Abstract: Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa is a complex and infrequent autoinflammatory disease that impacts on quality of life. Its pathogenesis is not fully understood, which limits the development of curative treatments. Objectives: To evaluate clinical and quality of life aspects of hidradeniti...

Prevalence and association of congenital anomalies according to the maternal body mass index: cross-sectional study

Abstract Objective To evaluate and compare the prevalence of structural congenital anomalies (CAs) according to maternal body mass index (BMI). Methods The present cross-sectional study involved pregnant women with fetuses diagnosed with structural CAs through morphological ultrasonography between No...

Depression, anthropometric parameters, and body image in adults: a systematic review

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between depression, anthropometric parameters and body image in adults through a systematic review of the literature. METHOD: Medline, Lilacs and PsycInfo databases were searched by two independent reviewers up to August 2018, without language restriction,...

Factores de riesgo de caídas e índice de masa corporal en el adulto mayor hospitalizado

Resumen Introducción La obesidad predispone a que los ancianos puedan sufrir una caída. El objetivo de este estudio fue contrastar las diferencias entre los factores de riesgo de caídas y el Índice de Masa Corporal en el adulto mayor hospitalizado. Materiales y Métodos Estudio descriptivo y comp...