Results: 1823

Análisis de aspectos relacionados con la equidad en salud y la insuficiencia renal crónica para el caso de la mujer en México

Medwave; 19 (3), 2019
INTRODUCCIÓN La insuficiencia renal crónica es una enfermedad que se encuentra en un estado de constante crecimiento. La discapacidad que genera esta enfermedad debe considerar efectos físicos y sociales, dada la falta de atención y a las condiciones socioeconómicas que la generan. Por lo tanto, el ...

Qualitative evaluation of an intervention to reduce energy poverty

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the " Energía, la justa " program, aimed at reducing energy poverty in the city of Barcelona, from the point of view of the target population and the workers involved in the intervention. METHODS A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory pilot study was carried out, w...

Maternal characteristics and type of prenatal care associated with peregrination before childbirth

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the maternal characteristics and type of prenatal care associated with peregrination before childbirth among pregnant women in a northeastern Brazilian state. METHODS Quantitative and transversal study, with descriptive and analytical approaches, part of the Nascer em Se...

Therapeutic itinerary of people with tuberculosis in face with their health needs

Abstract Objective: To describe the therapeutic itinerary of people with tuberculosis in face of their health needs. Method: Descriptive, qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with ten patients. Hermeneutic-dialectic method of analysis and concept of therapeutic itinerary as dr...

Factores asociados a la realización de mamografía en mujeres peruanas: análisis de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 2018

Medwave; 19 (9), 2019
INTRODUCCIÓN En Perú, el cáncer de mama es la segunda neoplasia más prevalente y la tercera causa neoplásica de mayor mortalidad en mujeres. La implementación de programas de tamizaje mediante mamografías ha reducido considerablemente la mortalidad por cáncer de mama en países de altos ingresos....

Discourse of nurses and doctors on the use of the emergency service by immigrants

Abstract Objective: To describe the discourse of nurses and physicians on the use of emergency services by immigrants. Method: Descriptive and exploratory study, with qualitative approach, carried out inan emergency public unit located at the north of Paraná. Sixteen health professionals were intervie...

Speech-language therapy offer and primary health care in Brazil: an analysis based on socioeconomic development

CoDAS; 31 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the presence of speech-language therapists (SLT) in the primary health care (PHC) in Brazil and its association with socioeconomic inequalities. Methods Cross-sectional study with 17,157 PHC services in all Brazilian states. Based on the NASF External Assessment Questionn...

Discontinuity of outpatient follow-up of risk children: perspective of mothers

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify aspects that contribute to the discontinuation of outpatient follow-up of newborns from Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) from the perspective of mothers. Method: exploratory, qualitative study, whose theoretical framework was Symbolic Interactionism. Fifteen mothers ...

Varones adolescentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: barreras de género en la prevención y atención de la salud

Salud colect; 15 (), 2019
RESUMEN La presente investigación surge a partir de identificar la dificultad para incluir las experiencias y necesidades de los varones adolescentes en el diseño de los modelos clínicos dirigidos a esa franja etaria y etapa vital. Por tal motivo, se decidió indagar la dimensión subjetiva de género...

A atenção à saúde das gestantes brasiguaias sob a ótica do acesso e da cobertura de saúde materna num território da fronteira Brasil/Paraguai

INTRODUÇÃO: O entendimento de que fronteira é uma forma diferenciada de organização territorial daquele conceito tradicional, centrado nos limites políticos-administrativos. Esse recorte analítico e espacial de diversas realidades sociais explicam sua dinâmica e deve permear a visão de fronteira...