Results: 152

Terceiro molar impactado invertido: série de casos retrospectivos e relato de dois casos

Dente impactado é todo aquele que sofre falha no seu processo eruptivo, ficando sob tecido duro e/ou mole. Dentro da classificação de tais dentes existem os terceiros molares invertidos, poucos descritos na literatura. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar dois casos de terceiros molares maxilares imp...

Predicción del tercer molar e indicaciones de germenectomía: reporte de un caso
Prediction of the third molar and indications of germectomy: report of a case

Rev. ADM; 75 (5), 2018
Los factores ambientales y evolutivos, los cambios en los hábitos dietéticos, entre otros, pueden desencadenar un papel etiológico en la aparición de anomalías dentales llevando a la especie humana a una disminución en la función masticatoria que trae como consecuencia una reducción en el tamaño...

Complicações em coronectomia: estudo retrospectivo de 19 casos

Introdução: A Coronectomia ou Odontectomia parcial intencional é uma técnica cirúrgica, na qual se remove a coroa do dente, deixando a raiz in situ. É indicada quando há o risco de lesão ao nervo alveolar inferior ou fratura de mandíbula durante a remoção de dentes posteriores inferiores inclu...

Interdisciplinary management of an impacted dilacerated maxillary central incisor

ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth dilacerations are dental anomalies characterized by an abrupt deviation in the longitudinal axis of a tooth. They may occur either in the crown, between the crown and root, or in the root. Although not so common, impacted maxillary incisors exhibiting root dilaceration pose...

Anatomical positions of the inferior dental canal and its relationship with impacted lower third molars in 18-to 29-year-old Ecuadorians

The third molars are the dental organs with the most variations in terms of their formation and time of eruption, which can cause several pathologies. The incidence of third molar impaction varies between 20% and 30%, with predominance in females. Through the inferior dental canal, goes the inf...

Tomographic late evaluation of xenogeneic bone grafts in sockets of impacted third molars

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract It is necessary to preserve height and thickness of the alveolar bone to facilitate rehabilitation with osteointegratable implants or simply to maintain bone integrity after extraction. Biomaterials associated with resorbable or non-resorbable membranes, when placed in the region of the socket, ...

Cone beam computed tomography for evaluation of impacted supernumerary teeth: a case report

Supernumerary paramolars are the rare anomalies of the maxillofacial complex. These are more common in the maxilla than in the mandible. Supernumerary teeth are an infrequent developmental alteration that can appear in any area of the dental arches and which are often associated with several syndromes su...

"Maxillary lateral incisor partial anodontia sequence": a clinical entity with epigenetic origin

ABSTRACT The relationship between maxillary lateral incisor anodontia and the palatal displacement of unerupted maxillary canines cannot be considered as a multiple tooth abnormality with defined genetic etiology in order to be regarded as a "syndrome". Neither were the involved genes identified and loca...

Incidence of Lower Anterior Third Molars on Dental Crowding. A New Approach

ABSTRACT: This paper main objective is to estimate the level of association between lower anterior crowding and the presence of lower third molars on study models and panoramic dental radiographs of patients treated by the Orthodontics Postgraduate Students at the Dentistry Faculty at the University of C...

Remoção de terceiro molar superior deslocado para o espaço bucal

Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de deslocamento de germe dentário de terceiro molar superior esquerdo para o espaço bucal em um paciente de 13 anos de idade. A localização do dente em posição profunda com envolvimento do corpo adiposo do bucinador dificultou a sua localização, ainda não de...