Results: 951

Parámetros para la evaluación visual e instrumental del color dental en estudios in-vitro. Revisión de la literatura
Parameters for visual and instrumental assessment of tooth colour in in-vitro studies. Literature review

Objetivo: establecer los parámetros para la evaluación visual e instrumental del color dental en estudios in-vitro a partir de la literatura científca publicada entre 2015 y 2021. Métodos: se realizó la búsqueda en las bases de datos: PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, Scielo y Lilacs;...

In vitro assessment of interaction between lidocaine hydrochloride and irrigating solutions on root canal dentin: a scanning electron microscope study

J. oral res. (Impresa); 11 (4), 2022
Aim: To investigate the precipitate formed from the interaction between 2% lidocaine hydrochloride with adrenaline (LA) with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 0.2% chitosan nanoparticles on root canal dentin, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Material and Methods: Sixty mandibular premolars we...

Congruencia entre modelos dentales impresos 3D y el archivo digital de origen: estudio in vitro comparativo de 5 impresoras 3D
Congruence between 3D printed dental models and the original digital file: comparative in vitro study of 5 3D printers

Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol; 80 (231), 2022
Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo conocer la fiabilidad de la impresora 3D (i3D) aditiva por Matriz de Proceso Digital de Luz (MDLP) Hellbot modelo Apolo®, a través de verificar la congruencia dimensional entre las mallas de modelos impresos (MMi) y su correspondiente archivo digital de origen (MMo), obt...

In vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with musa paradisiaca

J. oral res. (Impresa); 11 (3), 2022
Objetive: To compare in vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with 50% ethanolic extract of Musa paradisiaca and 35% hydrogen peroxide. Material and Methods: The study was experimental and used 18 premolars that were grouped into: G1 (control), G2 (50% ethanol extract of Musa paradisi...

Capacidad de sellado apical entre dos técnicas de obturación con instrumentos rotatorios fracturados en tercio apical
Apical sealing capacity between two obturation techniques with rotary instruments broken in third apical

Rev. ADM; 79 (3), 2022
Introducción: La finalidad del tratamiento de conductos es conseguir la máxima desinfección, conformación y sellado tridimensional. Objetivo: Comparar la capacidad del sellado apical entre dos técnicas de obturación en conductos mesiales de molares inferiores con limas fracturadas en tercio apical....

Homeopathy on cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeand impact on fermentation

Studies have shownthat homeopathy modulates the activity of both single-and multi-celled organisms;therefore, we propose a study into the action of Arnica Montanaand S. cerevisiae fungus nosode on growth “in vitro”, and on the fermentation of S. cerevisiaeon brewer’s wort. Methods:250 μL of medic...

Evaluation of the in vitrofungicidal activity of the dynamized essential oil of Aloysia polystachyabefore and after freezing

The method of preserving substances of natural origin should not only maintain the microbiological safety of the product but also the integrity of its therapeutic potential. Essential oils obtained from plants are complex mixtures of substances and it issuggested to keep them under refriger...

In vitro evaluation of Sporothrix brasiliensis biotherapic

Sporothrix brasiliensisis one of themost virulent zoonosis which affects animals and humans. This fungus is responsible for subcutaneous infection and its contamination is possible through trauma to the skin. Sporotrichosis is highly prevalent in feline. And Rio de Janeiro appears to have the...

Homeopathy treatment of Malassezia Pachydermatis in vitro

A common clinical occurrence in dogs is otitis externa caused by excessive growth of yeasts Malassezia pachydermatis, which can become chronic after wrong treatments, in which microbial resistance can occur. Homeopathic remedies can be considered a successful alternative, selecti...

Metabolites in Conocarpus erectus leaves attenuate α-amylase activity by modulating amino acid residues of α-amylase: an in vitro and docking study

The antioxidant activity and the inhibitory potential of α-amylase of lyophilized hydroethanolic extracts of Conocarpus erectus leaves obtained by ultrasonication were determined. The most potent extract was subjected to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography system equipped with mass spectromet...