Introducción: el síndrome del incisivo central maxilar medio único (SMMCI) es un trastorno de etiología desconocida, con base genética heterogénea, que se caracteriza por la erupción de un único incisivo central en el maxilar y que se puede relacionar con multitud de patologías y síndromes, ent...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth agenesis is often associated with other tooth anomalies, such as microdontia, delayed eruption and ectopic eruption. Moreover, they may be found all in the same individual, as certain genetic mutations may have a variable phenotypic expression. Treatment of cases of hypodon...
ABSTRACT The relationship between maxillary lateral incisor anodontia and the palatal displacement of unerupted maxillary canines cannot be considered as a multiple tooth abnormality with defined genetic etiology in order to be regarded as a "syndrome". Neither were the involved genes identified and loca...
ABSTRACT This case report describes the treatment of a severe anterior and lateral open bite combined with multiple congenitally missing teeth. A 10-year-old girl presented with an open gonial angle, absence of lip sealing, and soft tissue pogonion retrusion. She had an open bite of 8.5 mm, agenesis of t...
ABSTRACT: Ankylosis is an anomaly of tooth eruption characterized by the fusion of cementum and alveolar bone, and may affect from small regions to the entire root surface. Clinical assessment combined with imaging exams can aid diagnosis. Radiographic testing enables assessing only proximal regions of p...