Results: 180

Sensibilidad y especificidad del índice neutrófilo linfocítico en sepsis neonatal temprana. Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín. 2017 – 2021
ensitivity and Specificity of the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Index in Early Neonatal Sepsis. Carlos Andrade Marin Hospital. 2017 - 2021

Cambios rev. méd; 23 (2), 2024
La sepsis neonatal temprana es un desafío de salud pública en Ecuador, con altas tasas de morbilidad-mortalidad. El diagnóstico precoz es crucial, pero los métodos actuales tienen limita-ciones. El índice neutrófilo linfocito se presenta como un biomarcador prometedor para detec-ci�...

Artificial Intelligence for the Identification of Biomarkers in Cancer Prevention and Diagnosis: Advances and Perspectives

Introduction: The systematic analysis of cancer markers and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on early detection and therapeutic approach are crucial in today’s medical field. Cancer represents a significant global burden of morbidity and mortality, making early identificati...

La mayoría de los marcadores sustitutos sugeridos por laentidad reguladora de los EE.UU. para la aprobación de medicamentos en enfermedades crónicas tiene evidencia limitada
Most surrogate markers proposed by the USA regulatory entity for chronic disease drug approval have limited evidence

The impact of COVID-19 on vitamin E concentrations and oxidative stress markers in adult subjects: A systematic review

Rev. chil. nutr; 50 (6), 2023
Objective: To determine the impact of COVID-19 on vitamin E concentrations and oxidative stress in patients affected by the disease. Method: We conducted a systematic review using observational studies published between 2020 and 2023, which addressed the impact of COVID-19 on vitamin E concentrations and...

Use of cerebrospinal fluid CXCL13 concentration for diagnosis and monitoring of neurosyphilis: a three-case report

Introduction: Previous retrospective studies have demonstrated that the concentration of chemokine ligand CXCL13 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-CXCL13) is a promising biomarker in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis and, additionally, in the monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. Objective: To describe three cases ...

Testes bioquímicos para identificação de leveduras na medicina veterinária - revisão de literatura

As leveduras são fungos de importância à medicina veterinária por causarem doenças infecciosas em diferentes hospedeiros animais. A presente revisão de literatura teve como objetivo relatar os principais testes bioquímicos capazes de auxiliar na identificação de fungos leveduriformes de interess...

Concentração de imunoglobulina em colostro suíno por refratometria Brix

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 30 (1), 2023
O objetivo do estudo foi estimar os níveis de IgG pela mensuração de Brix no colostro e comparar entre cada bloco de tetos da cadeia mamária e entre as diferentes ordens parto de fêmeas suínas comerciais. Amostras de colostro de 37 fêmeas suínas foram colhidas manualmente em at...

Clinical relevance of oxidative stress biomarkers in cardiovascular prevention

Cardiovascular diseases involve hyperlipidemia, inflammation and oxidative stress. Although this relationship is well established, only biomarkers associated with hyperlipidemia and inflammation are currently in clinical practice for diagnosis and evaluation of patient treatment. Our hypothesis is that o...

Cell phenotypes as activity biomarkers in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Abstract The pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is complex. Few studies in Brazilian population have addressed cell phenotypes associated with immunological responses and their associations with SLE activity. The aim of this study is to investigate cell phenotypes associated to SLE diagno...

Relación de IMC con marcadores de inflamación y hemoglobina glicosilada en niños y jóvenes con diabetes mellitus 1

La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) es una enfermedad autoinmune que genera dependencia exógena de insulina de forma permanente, presenta inflamación subclínica crónica lo que conlleva a una elevación de marcadores de inflamación como factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α), proteína C reactiva (PC...