Results: 44

Uso de complexo homeopático no tratamento e controle de carrapatos em vacas com aptidão leiteira: relato de caso em três propriedades de agricultura familiar

A homeopatia é uma medicina alternativa utilizada para tratamento de enfermidades, na área veterinária é utilizada no controle de ectoparasitas. Um dos ectoparasitas que causam grande prejuízo econômico a pecuária brasileira, principalmente ao gado leiteiro é o carrapato-bovino, Rhipicephalus (Bo...

Impacto econômico devido à ocorrência de Fasciola hepaticaem bovinos em um abatedouro-frigorífico sob supervisão do Sistema de Inspeção Federal

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 30 (3), 2023
A bovinocultura de corte tem um papel importante na economia do Brasil, com constante aumento da produção e exportação de carnes. Com essa crescente, torna-se de suma importância a inspeção dos animais abatidos para a detecção de possíveis doenças que podem comprometer tanto a saúde pública ...

Outbreak of bovine tick-borne disease on a riverside property in the Western Amazonia: Case report

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 29 (1), 2022
The objective was to report an outbreak of tick-borne disease (TBD) on riverside property in the Western Amazon. The death of 25 Nellore cattle was reported on a rural property on the banks of the Purus River, state of Acre. The producer observed animals with staggering walking, drop in productivity, wei...

Diarreia em bezerros no sul do Rio Grande do Sul em um período de 34 anos

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 27 (4), 2020
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os dados de um estudo retrospectivo nos registros de 34 anos atividade de um laboratório de diagnóstico sobre as causas de diarreia em bezerros na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia e materiais desta ...

Performance of the Dot-blot test method for detecting antibodies to Sarcocystis spp. in cattle

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (5), 2020
Serological techniques can detect antibodies against Sarcocystis spp., Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii antigens in single or mixed infections. Immunofluorescent antibody tests (IFAT) is considered the gold standard technique for Sarcocystosis diagnostic in cattle serum and a positive IFAT result r...

Morphological and molecular identification with frequency analysis of Calicophoron microbothrioides in central Chile

Abstract This research aimed to determine the presence of paramphistomids in cattle slaughtered in a slaughterhouse of the Ñuble Region of Chile, to identify flukes and to analyze the frequency of these parasites in the Maule, Ñuble, and Biobío administrative regions of Chile. Between October of 2016 ...

Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic characterization of Borrelia theileri in Rhipicephalus microplus

Abstract This study aimed to perform a morphological, molecular and phylogenetic characterization of Borrelia theileri obtained from infected Rhipicephalus microplus in Brazil. Fifty engorged R. microplus females from cattle in the municipality of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, were analyzed for spirochet...

Gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes in calves naturally infected in the cities of Botucatu and Manduri, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (7), 2018
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of gastrointestinal and pulmonary parasites in calves and to evaluate seasonal and age patterns in parasitism. For this, we used 140 clinically healthy crossbreed calves (two to 12 months old) that belonged to two private farms in the municipalities of Botucat...

Cryptosporidium occurrence in ruminants from the North Pioneer mesoregion of Paraná, Brazil

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium in cattle and sheep from the North Pioneer mesoregion of the state of Paraná. For this, 317 stool samples were collected from cattle and sheep on 16 properties in six municipalities in the North Pioneer mesoregion of Pa...

Eimeria species in dairy and beef cattle of different ages in Goiás state, Brazil

Abstract This study aimed to identify the frequency of occurrence of Eimeria species in Holstein (taurine dairy cattle) and Nelore (zebu beef cattle) on 12 farms in the state of Goiás, Brazil. A total of 2,601 animals were evaluated, and the cattle were divided into the following age-group categories: ...