ABSTRACT Introduction: The vascular access cannulation technique varies among clinics, and guidelines on vascular access give little importance to cannulation techniques. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cannulation technique and to determine which factors are associated with each detail ...
Spinal drainage catheter installation is a procedure indicated essentially in the repair of aortic aneurysms and the neurosurgery setting. It is not always a simple procedure where dilemmas arise about the indication, technique, and complications. The following article reviews each of these topics....
Antecedentes: La canulación biliar difícil es un factor de riesgo para la pancreatitis post-CPRE. En estos casos el precorte es la técnica más usada. Objetivo: Demostrar que el precorte tipo fistulotomía es seguro y eficaz. Materiales y métodos: Se revisaron los datos de mayo de 2016 a mayo de 2018...
Abstract Objective: To investigate whether axillary artery cannulation has supremacy over innominate artery cannulation in thoracic aortic surgery. Methods: A comprehensive search was undertaken among the four major databases (PubMed, Excerpta Medica dataBASE [EMBASE], Scopus, and Ovid) to identify all...
ABSTRACT Objective: To present a case series of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs), describing the main clinical findings, the number/location of pulmonary vascular abnormalities, the clinical complications, and the treatment administered. Methods: This was a retrospective observational stud...
Objetivos durante a punção venosa periférica, recomenda-se o uso de um garrote acima do local da punção para potencializar a distensão venosa. Dadas as suas características e o uso em ambientes clínicos, os garrotes podem representar uma fonte de disseminação de micro-organismos. Entretanto, os...