Results: 27

Abordaje ecoguiado para colocación de vía venosa subclavia – ¿qué estamos esperando?

Rev. chil. anest; 52 (3), 2023
Central venous catheterization is an important and frequent intervention commonly used in critical care units and during anesthestic management. Ultrasound catheter placement techniques have displaced those guided by anatomic landmark. In this report, we present a case where the placement of a subclavian...

Consejos prácticos para la instalación de catéteres venosos centrales en niños pequeños

Rev. chil. anest; 52 (1), 2023
The correct choice of intra vascular access constitutes a key element in pediatric patients. Recently, the use of ultrasound as a te- chnical support has made a big difference in controlling associated complications. This article has the objective to show some general recommendations related with central...

Transfusão de hemácias em neonatos pelo cateter central de inserção periférica: revisão integrativa

Objetivo: identificar na literatura as implicações relacionadas à transfusão de hemácias, por meio do Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica, em neonatos. Métodos: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e PUBMED. Incluíram-se publi...

Posicionamiento de la punta del catéter venoso central apoyado por ecocardiografía transtorácica, validez y precisión de resultados

Rev. chil. anest; 51 (3), 2022
The central venous catheter (CVC) is an essential device in the management of the critical patient. The wrong positioning of the CVC is observed in 20%-48% of cases. Peres’ formula is used to establish the catheter length, and the chest x-ray to confirm if the CVC tip is in an “acceptable location”...

Reporte de caso: Manejo anestésico en un paciente pediátrico con ictiosis más deshidratación grave

Rev. chil. anest; 50 (5), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Ichthyosis are hereditary disorders of keratinization which are characterized for the presence of hyperkeratosis and/or peeling. This disorder group can put in danger the life of the patient because of the severe alteration of the skin barrier, associated with a severe transdermic loss of w...

Impacto de la cateterización venosa central percutánea bajo guía ecográfica en una terapia intensiva pediátrica polivalente

Med. infant; 27 (2), 2020
Introducción: La cateterización venosa central es un procedimiento usual en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). El ultrasonido (US) para guiar la cateterización, ofrece ventajas, permitiendo tener una imagen topográfica precisa del vaso, reduciendo las complicaciones, el tiempo y el número de pun...

Effectiveness, safety and cost reduction of long-term tunneled central venous catheter insertion in outpatients performed by an interventional nephrologist

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (1), 2020
Abstract Introduction: Invasive procedures performed by trained nephrologists can reduce delays in making a definitive vascular access, complications, number of procedures on the same patient, and costs for the Public Health System. Objective: to demonstrate that a long-term tunneled central venous cat...

Endovascular repair of subclavian artery injury secondary to internal jugular vein catheterization: case report

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (4), 2019
Abstract Background and objectives Ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein catheterization is a common and generally safe procedure in the operating room. However, inadvertent puncture of a noncompressible artery such as the subclavian artery, though rare, may be associated with life-threatening sequela...

Insertion of central vascular catheter: adherence to infection prevention bundle

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the compliance of the care process involving insertion of central vascular catheter (CVC) in hemodialysis. Method: Cross-sectional quantitative approach developed at the hemodialysis service of a reference hospital in Sergipe, Brazil. Sample consisting of 1,342 actions e...