Results: 6

Cecropia pachystachya Trécul: a promising ingredient for skin-whitening cosmetics

Abstract Because it promotes the lightening of pigment spots, tyrosinase inhibition is one of the mechanisms of depigmenting cosmetic products. Considering the adverse effects produced by synthetic depigmenting actives, the search for new therapeutic options is desirable, and plant extracts are possible ...

Hematological and biochemical profile of captive brown-throated sloths Bradypus variegatus, Schinz 1825, feeding on ambay pumpwood Cecropia pachystachya Trécul 1847

The aim of this study was to establish reference parameters for the hematological and biochemical levels of five healthy captive sloths of the speciesBradypus variegatus(brown-throated sloth) feeding onCecropia pachystachya(Ambay pumpwood), alternating with a period of free diet in the Dois Irmãos State...

Aleyrodidae in three forest fragments in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Arq. Inst. Biol; 86 (), 2019
Studies that analyze the occurrence of whiteflies in forest environments are virtually non-existent, which is not justifiable given the ecological and agronomic importance of this insect group. The study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Aleyrodidae collected from May/2013 to May/2014 in three Atlantic...

Cecropia pachystachya Trécul (Urticaceae) "ambay" in urban environments

Rojasiana; 14 (2), 2015
Resumen: Cecropia pachystachya (Urticaceae), “amba'y” es una especie que habita lugares abiertos, en zonas silvestres, como márgenes de arroyos, bordes de senderos y capueras, tiene tendencia a proliferar en sitios abiertos debido a la incrementación de la desforestación. ...

Actividad antiplasmódica y hemolítica de extractos etanólicos y fracciones obtenidas de Cecropia membranacea Trécul. y Cecropia metensis Cuatrec. (sin. Cecropia peltata var. candida Velásquez)
Antiplasmodial and haemolytic activity of ethanolic extracts and fractions obtained from Cecropia membranacea Trécul. and Cecropia metensis Cuatrec. (syn. Cecropia peltata var. candida Velásquez)

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 66 (1), 2014
Introducción: el estudio de las plantas medicinales ha permitido el desarrollo de productos fitoterapéuticos y fármacos para el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, entre estas la malaria. En Brasil las plantas usadas en la medicina tradicional por sus antecedentes como febrífugos o antimaláricos...

Avaliação do potencial de utilização da madeira de Schizolobium amazonicum "Paricá" e Cecropia hololeuca "Embaúba" para produção de painéis aglomerados

Acta amaz; 40 (2), 2010
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de madeira de Schizolobium amazonicum (Paricá) e Cecropia hololeuca (Embaúba) para produção de painéis aglomerados. Foram produzidos painéis experimentais com densidade nominal de 0,70 g/cm³, utilizando a resina uréia-formaldeíd...