Results: 5

Molecular detection and characterization of cpb2 gene in Clostridium perfringens isolates from healthy and diseased chickens

Clostridium perfringens is an important pathogen in both human and veterinary medicine. Necrotic enteritis (NE) is the most clinically dramatic bacterial enteric disease of poultry induced by C. perfringens. The pathogenicity of this bacterium is associated with the production of extracellular toxins pro...

Clostridium perfringens isolate typing by multiplex PCR

Clostridium perfringens is an important pathogen that provokes numerous different diseases. This bacterium is classified into five different types, each of which capable of causing a different disease. There are various methods for the bacterial identification, many are labor-intensive, time-consuming, e...

Efectos de las microondas sobre la sobrevivencia de algunas bacterias patógenas en comidas populares costarricenses
Effects of the microwaves on the survivars of some pathogen bacterias in food popularies costarrican

Una de las vías más frecuentes de transmisión de algunas enfermedades bacterianas es la ingesta de alimentos contaminados. Actualmente, el uso de horno de microondas para cocinar o calentar alimentos se ha popularizado bastante, debido a la rapidez en el calentamiento que brinda. Sin embargo, es impor...

Prevençäo e controle das infecçöes de origem alimentar
Prevention and control of the toxinfection a alimentary origin

Hig. aliment; 7 (27), 1993