Results: 270

Invertebrados como bioindicadores de perturbación en la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu

Rev. biol. trop; 72 (1), 2024
Resumen Introducción: El monitoreo de bioindicadores es una herramienta importante para la conservación de áreas naturales protegidas. Diferentes grupos taxonómicos fueron estudiados como bioindicadores por presentar: facilidad de muestreo, respuestas variadas a la perturbación, riqueza asociada a...

Ant Communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Protected Urban Park in Northeast Mexico

Rev. biol. trop; 72 (1), 2024
Abstract Introduction: The creation of protected natural areas within urban environments has played an essential role in providing small reservoirs of native vegetation and refuges for endemic species. However, knowledge of how land management and landscape design can influence the different community ...

Investigation of environmental ethics, spiritual health, and its relationship with environmental protection behaviors in nursing students

Invest. educ. enferm; 42 (1), 2024
Objective.To investigate the relationship between environmental ethics, spiritual health, and environmental behavior among nursing students . Methods. In this cross-sectional study, 200 iranian students from the Chabahar Nursing School were selected using a simple random sampling metho...

Assessment of anthropogenic-causing-agents act on waterbirds-diversity in the vicinity of Tarbela Dam, Indus River, Pakistan

Braz. j. biol; 84 (), 2024
Abstract Birds are among the best bio-indicators, which can guide us to recognize some of the main conservation concerns in ecosystems. Anthropogenic impacts such as deforestation, habitat degradation, modification of landscapes, and decreased quality of habitats are major threats to bird diversity. The ...

Painel de Sustentabilidade Integrada: apoio na avaliação de municípios amazônicos por indicadores ambientais, econômicos, institucionais e sociais

Introdução: Este estudo analisa a importância do uso de indicadores ambientais, econômicos, sociais e institucionais, em um instrumento on-line e gratuito, para elaborar diagnósticos e desenvolver políticas públicas de combate ao desmatamento na Amazônia Legal Brasileira. Objetivo: O principal ob...

A criação da Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza

Abstract This study within the field of environmental history explores the scenario amid which the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation) was founded between 1958 and 1966; this important Brazilian non-governmental organization headquartered ...

Saúde da família do campo e atuação do psicólogo em comunidades quilombolas

Psicol. ciênc. prof; 44 (), 2024
Hegemonicamente exercida nos centros urbanos, o processo de interiorização das políticas sociais reconfigurou as práticas da psicologia no século XXI. Atualmente, 70% dos locais em que os psicólogos atuam no Brasil são marcados por características rurais e têm a presença de povos e comunidades ...

The importance of home gardens for the conservation of knowledge and practices about medicinal plants in an Environmental Protection Area in the Atlantic Forest of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Palmares Environmental Protection Area covers almost 90% of Paty do Alferes Atlantic Forest with great biodiversity. This work aimed to research about the knowledge local specialists have about medicinal plants in order to describe the relationship between home gardens and the conser...

Introducción a cultivo de vitroplantas de “Peperina de las Lomas” (Hedeoma multiflora Benth) como contribución para su conservación ex situ

Hedeoma multiflora Benth. (Lamiaceae) is an aromatic-medicinal species native to Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil that is in a state of vulnerability due to overexploitation. It is used in the preparation of flavored yerba mate and in popular medicine, mainly in abdomina...