Results: 58

Emerging Role of Mast Cells as Biological Markers in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases and their Projection in Health Emergencies

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: Mast cells (MC) are cells of the immune system that regulate cell and tissue homeostasis, are found in low numbers, have an intact plasma membrane, and a cytoplasm with a wide variety of inflammatory chemical mediators. The activation or degranulation of mast cells implies the release of these c...

Actions for the prevention and control of zoonoses in health education: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Vet. zootec; 31 (), 2024
Diseases arising from the imbalance between the triad environment, humans, and animals affect individuals' health, as well as the social, and economic well-being of the world's population. Across the globe, health education activities are being conducted to prevent and control zoonoses. To guide future e...

Caminando hacia el final de la pandemia COVID-19: caso México
Moving towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Mexico

Rev. ADM; 80 (5), 2023
Introducción: se vive una crisis de confianza en la ciencia y una época de menosprecio a los conocimientos y evidencias. Las opiniones de los líderes políticos y otras figuras públicas ajenas a los problemas de salud tienen una mayor consideración y peso que los juicios emitidos por los experto...

Tratamientos y barreras de protección utilizadas antes y durante la pandemia en entidades de México
Treatments and protective barriers used before and during the pandemic in entities in Mexico

Rev. ADM; 80 (2), 2023
Introducción: los tratamientos bucodentales son procedimientos que requieren de un diagnóstico visual y táctil; existe alto riesgo de contagio por productos biológicos. Objetivo: determinar los tipos de tratamientos y barreras de protección implementados antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19 e...

Variante mexicana de COVID-19: ómicron BW. 1 o Xibalbá
Mexican variant of COVID-19: omicron BW. 1 o Xibalbá

Rev. ADM; 80 (1), 2023
Introducción: desde la aparición del COVID-19 a principios de diciembre del año 2019, en la ciudad China de Wuhan, esta enfermedad respiratoria empezó a avanzar a nivel mundial. El 30 de enero de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró a esta enfermedad con carácter epidémico y como ...

Pharmacopuncture with a low dosage of B complex vitamins in the Da Zhui acupoint (Governing Vessel 14) for controlling gastrointestinal parasitism in periparturient ewes

Gastrointestinal parasites are a significant challenge in sheep farming, and periparturient ewes are one of the most susceptible categories in sheep flocks. This study aimed to verify whether the injection of B vitamins at the acupuncture point governing vessel 14 (GV14) can influence th...

Lessons learned from the implementation of integrated serosurveillance of communicable diseases in the Americas

ABSTRACT Objective. Systematize the experience and identify challenges and lessons learned in the implementation of an initiative for integrated serosurveillance of communicable diseases using a multiplex bead assay in countries of the Americas. Methods. Documents produced in the initiative were compil...

Percepción de riesgo, eficacia preventiva y factores socio demográficos como predictores de conductas preventivas de COVID-19 en adultos chilenos

Rev. med. Chile; 150 (9), 2022
BACKGROUND: Social isolation and hand washing are effective measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission Aim: To evaluate the predictive role of risk perception and preventive efficacy perception, along with sociodemographic and health factors, for adherence to hand washing and isolation behavior of Chilean...

Efecto de las medidas de salud pública en la incidencia, transmisión y mortalidad por COVID-19
Effect of public health measures on COVID-19 incidence, transmission and mortality