Introduction: False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) is a tropical and subtropical social species that live in groups with individuals of mixed ages and sex classes. False killer whales have been documented since the late 1990s in Southwestern Costa Rica. Objective: To estimate the abundance of false ...
The Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) is an odontocete cetacean specie that lies in the waters of the southern hemisphere. With the aim of studying the course and distribution of Cephalorhynchus commersonii's coronary arteries, an exhaustive heart dissection was performed on one specimen....
Sánchez-Sarmiento, Angélica María;
Carvalho, V. L;
Sacristán, C;
Groch, K R;
Ressio, R. A;
Fernandes, Natália Coelho Couto de Azevedo;
Guerra, J. M;
Costa-Silva, S;
Díaz-Delgado, J;
Favero, C. M;
Silva, N. S;
Ferreira Neto, J. S;
Meirelles, J. L;
Catão-Dias, José Luiz.
SUMMARY: This study aimed to characterize the structures of the posterior respiratory system of two species of river dolphins: Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis. The respiratory tract of both species was evaluated using macro and microscopic techniques. Four macroscopic anatomical structures were ...
Abstract Variations of age and total length of Sotalia guianensis from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were evaluated. Specimens were found stranded. Age and total length of 44 Guiana dolphins were assessed based on tooth analysis. Age varied between 0.5 year and 33 years (mean = 8.23 years). Most ...
Abstract Within the months of January-February 2010 and July-August 2011, 55 daily sighting surveys were conducted in Golfo Dulce, a tropical fiord-like embayment in the South Pacific region of Costa Rica. The research objective was to collect baseline data on several marine vertebrates that enter or res...
Resumen Golfo Dulce es un estuario en forma de fiordo, localizado en el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Este ecosistema marino-costero contiene una importante biodiversidad marina que incluye cetáceos. Este estudio describe la estructura de la comunidad de cetáceos en Golfo Dulce, sustentado en la diversi...
Comportamentos de brincadeira säo fáceis de identificar, mas difíceis de definir. Sua ocorrência é mais freqüente em animais jovens, apresentando algumas características comuns: falta de funçäo aparente, utilizaçäo de comportamentos específicos da espécie de forma exagerada em intensidade ou...
The objective of the present study was to describe a set of lesions caused by entanglement of Sotalia fluviatilis accidentally captured by gillnet on July, 23, 1995, in the Northern Rio de Janeiro State (21º37'S-041º01'W), Southeastern of Brazil. The specimen presented lacerated lesions of the skin and...