Results: 2

Full-field electroretinogram recorded with skin electrodes in normal adults

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 79 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose: Alternative recording methods have been tested to allow the electroretinogram (ERG) recording in uncooperative patients and/or patients with palpebral alterations, including recordings with skin electrodes. The purpose of this study was to compare ERG recorded with skin electrodes and ...

Eletrorretinograma com padräo xadrez (PERG): princípios e aplicaçäo clínica
Pattern electroretinogram (PERG): principles and clinical application

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 56 (2), 1993
Os autores descrevem as características do PERG quanto à provável origem, à estimulaçäo e à morfologia e citam as possíveis aplicaçöes do exame na prática clínica...