Results: 1011

Neuroprotective Potential of a Novel Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator the Riociguat Alone or in a Combination Manner with Resveratrol in Experimental Stroke Model in Rats

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: In this study we aimed to examine the effect of novel vasodilatory drug Riociguat co-administration along resveratrol to recover neurodegeneration in experimental stroke injury. For that purpose, thirty-five adult female rats were divided into five groups (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MC...

Influences of Glabridin Treatment on Motor Function Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury

Int. j. morphol; 42 (3), 2024
SUMMARY: Spinal cord injury (SCI) usually arises from compression due to traffic accidents and falls, resulting in varying degrees of movement, sensory loss, and possible paralysis. Glabridin (Gla) is a natural compound derived from licorice. It significantly affects drug development and medicine because...

Respuesta inmunitaria al SARS-CoV-2 previa a la vacunación en personal de salud de Alto Paraná, Paraguay, un estudio seroepidemiológico

Rev. chil. infectol; 41 (2), 2024
INTRODUCCIÓN: La comprensión del comportamiento de la respuesta humoral en COVID-19 continúa siendo un desafío para la producción de vacunas que proporcionen inmunidad más duradera. OBJETIVO: Describir la respuesta humoral natural inducida por SARS- CoV-2 en personal de salud con base en el perfil ...

Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effect of Bougainvillea xbuttiana (Var. Orange) on the cytokine production induced by Botrhops jararaca venom in macrophages

To study the effect of 50% ethanol extract of Bougainvillea xbuttiana on the enzymatic activity, cell via bility and cytokine production provoked by the venom of Bothrops jararaca in macro - phages. Three assays were used to study the effects of B. xbuttiana extract on the dama...

Preparation and evaluation of a bivalent peste des petits ruminants and Brucella Rev-1 vaccine for sheep

Sheep industry is of great importance in the economy. Infectious diseases of ruminants are an economic threat and can cause massive damage globally. Peste des petits ruminants and brucellosis are two diseases that affect sheep and cause great economic losses. The live attenuated peste des petits ruminant...

Acidic Environment Induces Pyroptosis of NLRP3 Inflammatory Vesicle-Mediated Nucleus Pulposus Cells Through Up-Regulation of POSTN Expression

Int. j. morphol; 41 (6), 2023
SUMMARY: Intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD) is induced by nucleus pulposus (NP) dysfunction as a result of massive loss of NP cells. It has been reported that the acidic microenvironment of the intervertebral disc (IVD) can induce NP cell pyroptosis, and that up-regulation of periostin (POSTN) expre...

Estandarización y evaluación del desempeño de un inmunoensayo para la detección de anticuerpos contra el dominio de unión a receptor de la proteína de espícula del virus SARS-CoV-2

Acta méd. costarric; 65 (4), 2023
Resumen Objetivo: Establecer un inmunoensayo semicuantitativo para la detección de anticuerpos contra el dominio de unión al receptor de la proteína de espícula del coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2 y la evaluación de su desempeño como herramienta de apoyo diagnóstico. Mét...

Essential oil of Cordia curassavica (Jacq) Roem. & Schult: in vitro and in silico evaluation of effects on dengue virus replication and cytokines production

The lack of effective conventional therapie s against dengue has created an interest in herbal preparations as alternative therapies. In the present study, in vitro effects of Cordia curassavica essential oil (EO) on both dengue virus replication and cytokine production were e...

Protective Effects and Mechanisms of Huangqi Decoction Against Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects

Int. j. morphol; 41 (5), 2023
SUMMARY: The 12C6+ heavy ion beam irradiation can cause bystander effects. The inflammatory cytokines, endocrine hormones and apoptotic proteins may be involved in 12C6+ irradiation-induced bystander effects. This study characterized the protective effects and mechanisms of Huangqi decoction (HQD) agains...

Plasma insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) and IGF-II/IGF-I ratio in a chilean case of Doege-Potter Syndrome

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (10), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Doege-Potter syndrome is a rare clinical entity characterized by recurrent hypoglycemic events caused by non-pancreatic tumors secreting an incompletely processed high-molecular-weight form of Insulin-like Growth factor-II (IGF-II). AIM: To report IGF-II and IGF-I circulating levels in a Ch...