Results: 42

Impact of an E-Learning Histology Course on the Satisfaction and Performance of Medical, Nursing and Midwifery Students

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: The importance and relevance of e-learning courses in medicine and health sciences has increased significantly in the last decade. Despite this, there are few published teaching experiences of e-learning histology courses in the literature worldwide. The histology course we designed was structur...

Factores asociados al riesgo e intentos suicidas en estudiantes de carreras de la salud: estudio transversal

Medwave; 24 (5), 2024
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las muertes por suicidio en jóvenes han ido en aumento en las últimas décadas y se considera un problema de salud pública prioritario a nivel mundial, siendo un evento parcialmente prevenible. La prevalencia de ideas suicidas es alta entre estudiantes universitarios, especialmente en c...

Burnout status among health and non-health sciences students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nutritional perspective

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 37 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective The study aimed to assess the factors associated with burnout among university students studying online during the COVID-19 lockdown, with a focus on nutrition and lifestyle habits. Methods This cross-sectional web-based study was conducted with university students in Türkiye. Demog...

Idadismo e Fonoaudiologia: quando o preconceito afeta o olhar clínico sobre a pessoa idosa

A Organização Mundial da Saúde preconiza que mudemos a forma como pensamos, sentimos e agimos com relação à idade e ao envelhecimento, lutando contra o idadismo direcionado à pessoa idosa - o conjunto de estereótipos, preconceitos e discriminação contra esse grupo. ...

Actitudes hacia el aborto deseado en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud chilenos

Introducción: La interrupción del embarazo mediando principalmente la voluntad de la mujer, es decir, cuando una mujer desea abortar para terminar su embarazo por cualquier razón, es un procedimiento controversial. Las actitudes individuales de los profesionales de la salud hacia este procedimiento in...

Scale to measure medical, nursing and midwifery students' engagement in an e-learning histology course

Int. j. morphol; 41 (2), 2023
SUMMARY: E-learning courses become increasingly important and relevant in medicine and health sciences over the last decade. However, there are few teaching experiences of e-learning histology courses published in the literature worldwide. Moreover, most of these studies focus on the didactic aspects of ...

Evaluation of distance and face-to-face anatomy education from the perspective of students during the COVID-19 pandemic period

Int. j. morphol; 41 (2), 2023
SUMMARY: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a questionnaire was administered to the students who took anatomy courses through distance education in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. Through the questionnaire, the aim was to figure out whether the infrastructure of Firat University was ready and adequat...

Razonamiento clínico en carreras de la salud: percepción de estudiantes y docentes

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (11), 2022
BACKGROUND: Clinical reasoning (CR) is a training mainstay in health care careers. AIM: To describe the perception of students and teachers about the development of clinical CR in Kinesiology and Dentistry careers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Exploratory descriptive qualitative study, with 12 informants (six t...

Atitudes quanto as normas não equitativas de gênero: propriedades psicométricas da versão curta de uma subescala da Gender Equitable Men

Aval. psicol; 21 (3), 2022
O estudo objetivou validar a versão curta de uma subescala da Gender Equitable Men (GEM) em universitários da área da saúde. A escala original possui 24 itens e avalia atitudes quanto às normas de gênero equitativas e não equitativas em relacionamentos íntimos. A partir de uma amostra censitária...

Relación de variables sociodemográficas con niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en estudiantes universitarios

RESUMEN: Introducción: La salud mental en universitarios es un tema que cada vez cobra más relevancia y la importancia que tiene identificar factores que afectan su aparición, así como también en qué medida influyen en el desempeño académico. Método: Se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo no experi...