Las enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos representan un problema creciente de salud pública. Se calcula que hay alrededor de 600 millones de personas que enferman por ingerir alimentos contaminados en el mundo. En El Salvador, durante 2023, se reportaron 129 casos de intoxicación alimen...
Introduction: Neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia is a form of functional dysphagia usually caused by neurological and neuromuscular diseases, which produces several secondary complications. To improve its detection and characterization, models are emerging that integrate clinical variables to complement ...
Background and Objectives: to analyze individual and contextual factors associated with mortality from COVID-19 in the state of Pernambuco. Methods: a case-control study, with secondary data from the Center for Strategic Information on Health Surveillance in Pernambuco (CIEVS-PE - Centro de Informações...
INTRODUCTION: Catheter-related thrombosis (CRT) accounts for most thrombotic events in the neonate. OBJECTIVE: Investigate CRT frequency, association with days of catheter use until diagnosis, and number of catheters used, in a single-center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. METHODS: A case-control study tha...
Introducción. Colombia alberga dos millones de indígenas, que viven en condiciones de pobreza y tienen deficiencias en salud, por lo cual están expuestos a contraer infecciones virales como la hepatitis B. El departamento del Amazonas presenta una gran prevalencia del virus y barreras para acceder a l...
Abstract Several reasons may underlie the dramatic increase in type2 diabetes mellitus. One of these reasons is the genetic basis and variations. Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms are associated with different diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. The aim of this study is to investigate the ...
Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the association between breastfeeding and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adolescents. Methods: this is a case-control study carried out in the north of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which included 248 children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD (cas...
Introducción: La cesárea por solicitud materna, aquella sin indicación médica materna ni fetal, ha aumentado en los últimos años. Se han descrito motivos para que la paciente solicite la misma, como experiencias emocionales, normas sociales, y la interrelación con el equipo de salud. Metodología:...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify risk factors for death from influenza A(H1N1), including the effectiveness of the vaccine against influenza A(H1N1) concerning mortality. METHODS A case-control of incident cases of influenza A(H1N1) reported in the epidemiological information systems of the states of S...