Results: 2

Market value of Brazilian soccer players that played 2020 series A and B of the Brazilian championship: an analysis based on quarters of birth and playing position

Motriz (Online); 28 (), 2022
Abstract Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of RAE in soccer players from different positions in Series A and B in 2020 Brazilian soccer, as well as the impact of RAE on the estimated market value of these players. Methods: Data from 1080 male elite soccer athletes were analyzed...

Os grupos de pressão no processo de tramitação do PROFUT (LEI Nº 13. 155/2015)

Licere (Online); 22 (2), 2019
O presente estudo identifica os grupos de pressão que atuaram ativamente no Congresso Nacional durante a tramitação da lei nº 13.155/2015 e os interesses atendidos ao longo desse processo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, de caráter qualitativa, sendo desenvolvida a partir do levantamento e a...