Results: 8

Fisiología respiratoria: el pulmón al momento de nacer

La adaptación fisiológica de los recién nacidos de la vida intrauterina a la extrauterina incluye cambios fisiológicos complejos. Para que se complete con éxito la transición fetal a neonatal, los recién nacidos deben lograr el aclaramiento de líquido pulmona...

Aortic isthmus doppler velocimetry in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction: A literature review

Abstract Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with poor perinatal prognosis and a higher risk of stillbirth, neonatal death, and cerebral palsy. Its detection and the evaluation of its severity by new Doppler velocimetric parameters, such as aortic isthmus (AoI), are of great relevance fo...

The types of connections between the portal sinus and main portal vein in foetuses

Int. j. morphol; 37 (2), 2019
In the prenatal period, the three types of connections between the portal sinus and main portal vein have been published in the literature: T, X and H-shaped. The T type is the most frequent in the literature, and the aim of our study is to define the percentage of the connection types during the prenata...

Doppler velocimetry in fetal rats exposed to enoxaparin and unfractionated heparin (UFH) during pregnancy

Acta cir. bras; 32 (5), 2017
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effects of enoxaparin and unfractionated heparin (UFH) administered in prophylactic and therapeutic doses on fetal vessels in healthy pregnant Wistar rats, according to Doppler velocimetry measurements. Methods: Fifty animals were assigned to one of five groups: contro...

Restricción del crecimiento intrauterino: una aproximación al diagnóstico, seguimiento y manejo
Intrauterine growth restriction: an approach to diagnosis, monitoring and management

ANTECEDENTES: La restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) es una entidad de origen multifactorial que puede ser causada por una gran variedad de patologías a nivel materno, fetal o placentario, y que representa altas tasas de morbimortalidad materna y perinatal. Es importante realizar un diagnó...

Estudo longitudinal dos valores normais do tempo de aceleração na artéria cerebral média fetal na segunda metade da gestação

Rev. AMRIGS; 51 (4), 2007
Objetivo: Determinar os valores normais do tempo de aceleração na artéria cerebral média entre a 22a e a 38a semanas de gestação e sua relação com a freqüência cardíaca fetal. Material e métodos: Foi feito um estudo prospectivo e longitudinal no qual 33 fetos de gestantes normais foram avalia...

Origin of the basilar artery in the encephalon of zebuine bovine fetuses

Rev. chil. anat; 17 (2), 1999
In the reseach we used 30 encephalon of zebuine bovine fetuses, previously injected with colored latex and fixed in formlin solution of 20 percent, followed by careful dissections. The basilar artery has its origin off the convergnce of the caudal branch of he carotid artery of the encephalon (both right...

Irrigación de los dedos en el bovino
Irrigation of the digits in the bovine

Rev. chil. anat; 14 (1), 1996
Se procura lograr un mejor conocimiento de la irrigación de los dedos en el bovino, dada la importancia que ésta adquiere frente a los cuadros clínicos abordados por la patología quirúrgica. Se examinaron 10 manos de ejemplares adultos y 5 fetos bovinos, previamente inyectados con celuloide coloread...