Results: 33

Fibromialgia: puesta al día y revisión de literatura

Rev. méd. Maule; 39 (2), 2024
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, sleep disorders, and fatigue, all of which are associated with increased central sensitivity. Its global prevalence is estimated to be between 2% and 4%, with a rate of 2.6% in cases of non-cancer-related pain in Chile. D...

Fibromigraine: a cohort study retrospective

OBJECTIVE: To diagnose fibromyalgia in patients with migraine and assess the quality of life of these patients. METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out, comparing groups, in a non-randomized sample, consisting of patients diagnosed with migraine. The sample was evaluated u...

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia: diagnostic feasibility and accuracy of thermography

ABCS health sci; 48 (), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Studies have suggested using thermography as a resource to diagnose fibromyalgia, although there has been no evidence confirming this hypothesis so far. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of computerized infrared thermography as an auxiliary method for diagnosing fibromy...

Association between pain, anxiety, and alpha2 frontal activity in women with fibromyalgia

Acta sci., Health sci; 43 (), 2021
Fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system, with the presence of chronic generalized pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, anxiety and depression symptoms. Higher amplitudes of the frequency band alpha2 have been associated with higher relaxationin this population. In the present s...

Dolor y calidad de vida: el proceso de recepción y construcción del diagnóstico de fibromialgia al interior del discurso médico chileno

INTRODUCCIÓN: El presente artículo propone una revisión del proceso de recepción y construcción del diagnóstico de fibromialgia al interior del discurso médico chileno. Se plantea que, derivado de las discusiones que previamente se instalan en torno al fenómeno del dolor crónico, la amplia penet...

Correlating cognition and cortical excitability with pain in fibromyalgia: a case control study

Adv Rheumatol; 61 (), 2021
Abstract Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal symptoms, primarily attributed to sensitization of somatosensory system carrying pain. Few reports have investigated the impact of fibromyalgia symptoms on cognition, corticomotor excitability, sleep...

Diagnóstico de espondiloartrite axial em pacientes com fibromialgia

Objetivo: Avaliar pacientes com fibromialgia e dor lombar, bus- cando características clínicas de espondiloatrites axiais. Méto- dos: Neste estudo transversal, cem pacientes com fibromialgia e idades entre 18 e 65 anos foram avaliados. A avaliação consis- tiu em um questionário baseado no braço c...

IL-10 Cytokine as Potential Biomarkers in Women with Fibromyalgia Who Underwent to a Short Balneotherapy Treatment

Abstract Fibromyalgia (FM) is a nonarticular rheumatic syndrome that leads to diffuse myalgia, sleep disturbances and morning stiffness. Balneotherapy has been shown an effective strategy to improve the health conditions of patients; however, the treatment follow-up is based on patient report due to the ...

Efectos del psico-ballet reforzado a través de las danzas afrocubanas como terapia para la fibromialgia
Effects of psycho-ballet strengthened using Afro-Cuban dances as therapy against fibromyalgia

Rev. medica electron; 41 (1), 2019
Introducción: la fibromialgia es una enfermedad que no encuentra prueba orgánica aparente para explicar un dolor intenso y difuso, acompañado por una gran cantidad de síntomas como son: sueño no reparador, fatiga, síntomas de depresión y ansiedad, rigidez por las mañanas, síndrome de colon irrit...

Tratamiento con pregabalina en pacientes con fibromialgia
Treatment with pregabalin in patients with fibromyalgia

A partir de una viñeta clínica, la autora describe los resultados de dos revisiones sistemáticas que evaluaron la eficacia y la seguridad de la pregabalina para el alivio del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia. (AU)...