Severe diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the complications with the highest mortality rate in diabetes mellitus, regardless of its form of presentation. It progresses rapidly, which is why early recognition and treatment are crucial interventions to influence its prognosis. Treatment is urgent and relies o...
Estimado editor:
Los albores del año 2020 le depararon a la humanidad una terrible sorpresa: se reportaban los primeros casos de la posteriormente famosa COVID-19, una enfermedad, cuyo estrepitoso avance la convirtió en una pandemia declarada el 11 de marzo de 2020.1 Desde entonces, muchas han sido la...
Abstract Background Hydroxyethyl starches are colloids used in fluid therapy that may reduce volume infusion compared with crystalloids, but they can affect renal function in critical care patients. This study aims to assess renal effects of starches using renal biomarkers in the perioperative setting. ...
Soluciones Cristaloides,
Derivados de Hidroxietil Almidón,
Soluciones Isotónicas,
Lipocalina 2,
Sustitutos del Plasma,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Lactato de Ringer
Fluid therapy is the most widely used medical treatment, with indications and risks that are important to know. Its indication in the pediatric perioperative period has continuously changed with the upward understanding of the physiology of newborns, infants and children, as well as in the knowledge of t...
Fluid therapy in pediatric patients plays a fundamental role in perioperative anesthetic management. Planning of all surgical procedures must take into account the fluid therapy necessary to maintain both the basal metabolic needs and the losses de- rived from surgery. Generally, maintenance fluid therap...
Introducción: La sepsis es una de las principales causas de muerte infantil a nivel mundial. Las guías de tratamiento utilizadas en nuestro servicio se basan en parámetros clínicos para un soporte hemodinámico temprano con énfasis en el uso de fluidos e inotrópicos guiados por metas clínicas. Obj...
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se a diminuição da pressão arterial provocada pela elevação da pressão parcial positiva final corresponde à variação da pressão de pulso como indicador de fluido-responsividade. Métodos: Estudo de caráter exploratório que incluiu prospectivamente 24 pacientes com c...
Alonso, J. M;
Esper, C. S;
Rosa, G. S;
Schmitt, F. P;
Araújo, F. L;
Melo Neto, G. B;
Pantoja, J. C. F;
Watanabe, M. J;
Alves, A. L. G;
Rodrigues, C. A;
Hussni, C. A.
Magnesium sulphate (MS) and dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate (DSS) are laxative drugs frequently used for the treatment of impactions. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of MS and DSS in fecal hydration, output and systemic hydration in healthy horses. Five healthy horses received 3 treatment...
Abstract Purpose: Kidney transplantation is the gold-standard treatment for end stage renal disease. Although different hemodynamic variables, like central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure, have been used to guide volume replacement during surgery, the best strategy still ought to be determine...
Resumen Objetivo Establecer la medición ecográfica del diámetro de la vena cava inferior como factor predictor del shock en pacientes politraumatizados. Materiales y Método Estudio de corte transversal donde se determinó la medición ecográfica de la vena cava inferior a 40 pacientes que ingres...