Results: 13

Usefulness of low-cost infrared goggles for the assessment of spontaneous nystagmus

Introduction: Due to its precision and simplicity, videonystagmography is the most used technique for evaluating eye movements in patients with vestibular complaints. However, its high cost limits its widespread use. In response, the development of low-cost goggles emerged as an alternative to traditiona...

Videoconferencias para residentes de Histología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus
Videoconferences to Histology residents at the Sancti Spíritus University of Medical Sciences

Gac. méd. espirit; 24 (3), 2022
Fundamento: No se conoce cómo aceptan los residentes de Histología la inclusión de un sistema de videoconferencias sobre la estructura microscópica del cuerpo humano en su estrategia de autoaprendizaje. Objetivo: Explorar en profundidad la experiencia de los residentes de Histología de la Universida...

Effect of prematurity and temperament on the mother-infant interaction

Psico USF; 27 (3), 2022
Abstract We evaluated the effect of prematurity and the infant's temperament on the mother-infant behaviors in the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm (FFSF). The study included 75 mothers and their infants (37 preterm and 38 term) between three and four months of age (corrected age for preterm infants). Th...

Application of 3d analysis technology of vision system image in sports medicine

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (4), 2021
ABSTRACT Background: Objective: The study of sports biomechanics in sports medicine usually requires a special image analysis system (software) to obtain 3D kinematics data. Taking the swimming project in sports medicine as an example, 3D water images in water have always been relatively complicated an...

Analysis of YouTube as a source of information for restless leg syndrome

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 78 (10), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: YouTube is one of the major resources for health related videos around the world. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of information available on YouTube about restless leg syndrome (RLS). Methods: A YouTube search was carried out on

Literature review of audiovisual practices in Nursing education

ABSTRACT Objective: to carry out a literature review to characterize the production in the Nursing area about the use of movies and videos in Nursing education, related to underlying communication assumptions and contents taught. Method: integrative bibliographic review carried out in the PUBMED databa...

Development and evaluation of a training model for paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy and catheterization

Clinics; 74 (), 2019
OBJECTIVES: Minimally invasive paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy is a technique that should be learned by all surgical trainees and residents. This study aimed to develop a self-made training model for paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy and placement of the suprapubic catheter and then to evaluate its e...

Construção e validação de videoaula sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar

Resumo OBJETIVO Construir e validar um objeto contemporâneo virtual de ensino, videoaula, sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar no adulto em suporte básico de vida com o uso do desfibrilador externo automático no ambiente hospitalar. MÉTODOS Trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada, de produção tecnológ...

Bowel rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury: video production

ABSTRACT Objective: produce and validate an educational video about bowel emptying maneuvers for training of individuals with neurogenic bowel in bowel rehabilitation process. Method: this is a methodological study developed in four stages: script/storyboard production, validation, educational video pr...

Study on the Correlation between Barium Radiography and Pulmonary Infection rate in the Evaluation of Swallowing Function

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVES: To compare the results respectively obtained from the utilization of 60% barium sulfate suspension and Iohexol as contrast agents for videofluoroscopic swallowing studies and the relationship between the clinical application of the two kinds of contrast agents and the incidence of pneumonia. ...