La hiperglicemia y/o diabetes inducida por esteroides, se define como la elevación de la glicemia, causada por la acción de los fármacos glucocorticoideos, sobre el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, y presenta una prevalencia entre un 20% al 50%, en pacientes sin diabetes previa, existiendo mayor ries...
Abstract Background Hyperglycemia at the time of admission is related to increased mortality and poor prognosis in patients diagnosed with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Objective We aimed to investigate whether tight glucose control during the first 24 hours of STEMI decreases the...
Abstract Obesity associated with systemic inflammation induces insulin resistance (IR), with consequent chronic hyperglycemia. A series of reactions are involved in this process, including increased release of proinflammatory cytokines, and activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), nuclear factor-kapp...
Stress hyperglycemia is frequently diagnosed in septic patients in critical care units (ICU) and it is associated with greater illness severity and higher morbimortality rates. In response to an acute injury, high levels of counterregulatory hormones such as glucocorticoids and catecholamines are release...
Abstract Background: Gastroesophageal pathologies are common and multifactorial in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The evaluation with endoscopy and 24 h pH esophageal monitoring is expensive and not always available in all medical centers, especially in developing countries so more cost-effective...
Com o objetivo de definir se existe correlaçäo entre o controle rigoroso da hiperglicemia e o prognóstico neurológico em pacientes com injúria cerebral aguda, estudamos prospectivamente 60 pacientes neurológicos, neurocirúrgicos e neurotraumáticos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva do Hos...
Se estudian 171 pacientes internados de los cuales fuerón seleccionados 70 que tenian deshidratación del 10 al 15 o niños con deshidratación moderada, pero con un estado general compremetido y que requerían hidratación parenteral; a estos se los determinó la glicemia. El objetivo es determinar la ...